I recently came to an interesting understanding about God's declaration of 120 years in Genesis 6:3. It appears that this was about much more than just the timing of the Flood. In Matthew, we read that a demoniac approached Jesus and asked if he had come to torment the demon before the appointed time. So, this made me wonder about when that appointed time would be, and when it was appointed. That's what led me to Genesis 6:3. The attached file contains the discovery about God having appointed a specific time of judgement for the fallen 'sons of God' that took the daughters of men and begat the Nephilim. It also contains a quick summary of how the timing of this discovery converges with other lines that are threaded throughout scripture.
The line from Genesis 6:3 as it pertains to the 'sons of God'
The line from Genesis 6:3 as it pertains to the 'seed of the woman'
The prophetic breadcrumbs (A chain of biblical prophecies that have time durations)
The Jubilee cycle (Ending at the 71st‘Jubilee’)
Major events from the modern State of Israel
DGB: Wow. You did a lot of research. Thanks for doing it. I don't get all of it...yet. Thanks again!!!