I find Zelensky an interesting candidate. Not saying it’s him 100%, and we can’t know either this side of the rapture, but here is why.
His sudden rise from obscurity as an actor/comedian, to world political fame is interesting
His grooming from WEF and globalists and then position as Ukrainian PM seems to serve more than just as a PM, he has global leadership in his future (should he survive)
His rise is not merely political, but tested in combat where he has shown great resolve and competence. This distinguishes him from other candidates like Macron and Obama.
His willingness to lie and deceive to get other nations involved in this potentially terrifying conflict comes very easy. This is either out of great desperation or an agenda to drag this out
The globalists agenda to prop this man up as a savior means he is not working alone, but has the world leadership (of those WEF types) behind him
There are trumpet calls, and there are trumpet judgements. The last trump (in 1Cor 15) is the last trumpet call that happens prior to the anti-Christ reveal and prior to all the judgements.
You are correct, YOU do not make the call, but YOU are required to properly understand what is written and expressed in the Word of God. Keep going, you are almost there!
Hello Pete Garcia
Zelensky is within the current demonic world of Devil as a ruler, but he is not the son of perdition, the real and main head of Antichrist.
I bought a semi rare used book while in Scotland that details Celto-Saxon ensigns/heraldry and it really got me heavily into researching the movements of the 12 tribes via their ensigns/heraldry. This also led me down a rabbit hole regarding the biblical account of Zerah & Perez. It left me wondering if the AC will come from the Zerah-Judah bloodline. That he/they will claim that the real line to the "messiah" is through Zerah and not Perez. If any such group exists that is conspiring to such an idea, I would suspect that it's adherents all like wearing red cord bracelets. So many theories, lol. Only time will tell.
The A.C. will be the same guy as the Mahdi (twelfth Imam)
Yuval Noah Harrari. He's Jewish, gay (will not have the desire of women), has a mouth that can speak eloquently as well as blaspheme. Many other characteristics
Trump is interesting but don't think it's him but will prob be someone like him. He's probably too provocative. Thinking that the AC will be admired by everyone, that pretty much disqualifies Trump.
Great site Pete just discovered it but have heard you a few times online
Has anyone thought about how any of these candidates fulfill this verse: "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666" (Revelation 13:18). Were any of them adopted or have another name (nickname), etc? Or has this guy just not appeared on the scene yet?
Hello Pete, I’m new to your forum and thought I would say hi and join in if that’s ok? Since this is a popular thread on your forum, “The Antichrist Candidate” I thought I would post here first. Why hasn’t anyone mentioned Donald Trump as a candidate for the Antichrist? I think everyone has overlooked the number one contender. Consider, 2 Thes 2:9-11 And the coming of the lawless one, the Antichrist. 2 Thes Ch 2. How many tens of millions of Americans, including Christian’s (nationalists?) believe that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen? (I’m Canadian so “no”, I’m not a democrat). Is this the rebellion or falling away in vs 3? If you tell people that the election was rigged and stolen by the former 45th president, hundreds and hundreds of times, eventually people are going to be DECEIVED and believe it. Tell people (by the 45th) that the constitution should be thrown out (4 days ago) and eventually the people will do it? Without the constitution you‘re eventually going to have lawlessness and no laws. Yes, the Antichrist will “Think to change times and laws” Dan 7:25. Did anyone see Donald Trump sign the Abraham Accords with Israel the UAE and Bahrain, 15 Sept 2020 in the Middle East and still progressing, we all did! Dan 9:27, this is (most likely) “The covenant with many“ WAITING TO BE CONFIRMED.…by the 45th. “He” in Dan 9:27 is the Antichrist. Donald Trump is accepted by Israel, as we know. (Donald Trump at the Western Wall, Israel, (YouTube) copy paste and watch it! https://youtu.be/wwOz_TlswJw
So, I’m not going into to much more detail but consider this…If “The big lie” (rigged and stolen election) is “The Lie” in 2 Thes 2:9-11 that means that all those who believe “the Lie” have been sent a powerful delusion by God so that they will believe “the lie” and basically follow the Antichrist (The MAGA CULT) instead of Jesus Christ. What a scary concept that would be to fall into the hands of the living God, believing “the lie”. In other words, if Donald Trump is the Antichrist they will either die during the tribulation or find themselves in the tribulation as a tribulation saint and those people will know exactly why they have missed the boat, you might say. The stage is set before us, for our gathering together unto our lord and saviour Jesus Christ 2 Thes 2:1, In the pre Tribulation Rapture. In vs 7 (rapture) and then 8, the rise of Antichrist and he is revealed, (most likely) Donald Trump, make no mistake about it. And what happens if Trump is back in power in THE WHITE HOUSE (Rev 13:2, the dragon (Satan) gives him his power, his seat and great authority) prior to the next 2024 election?, the pre trib rapture might just kick all these things into high gear??
What about Rishi Sunak who became Prime Minister of the UK this week? Usually Parliament must vote on the next Prime Minister. That didn't happen. There was no vote. Lizz Truss, Prime Minister for a few days was fired and Sunkak was appointed PM by the king. Both Charles and Sunak are globalists. Sunak's father is co-chairman of the WEF. The Sunaks are all mega wealthy. He was able to pull off this coup because both the king and the Bank of England were firmly behind him. If you know the Bank of England well, it is the largest bank in the world in assets and is primarily owned by the Rosenberg family of European fame. Rosenbergs are a Jewish family and funded Hitler's war in the 30's and 40's. They maintain a low profile but are influential members of the cabal that is pushing for the NWO. And so the pieces come together. In BREXIT, the UK thought it was on its way to a free market economy. Sunak wants to go the other way; back to the EU. Should be interesting to watch.
Has anyone else been keeping your eyes on Elon Musk as a candidate? I have been. He is a South Africa born European. He is leading the way to transhumanism. Everything from electric cars to his car with a dummy in it floating around space is intriguing. What really got me watching him was Star Link and his bid to help Ukraine out in the war. Then dibbling here and there in all the war rumors. He has been known to mock God and loves being the center of attention. He is working hard to create the fake womb so women do not have to give birth. He is involved in the technology of Mrna and nano bots. He talks about creating technology so men never die. The list is really long and Im sure Im missing many points. Even many Christians adore this guy. I was listening yesterday to Pastor James Kaddis who was glowing over him and his technology. Plus, he made fun of people who think Musk is a candidate on his which made Musk even more of a candidate in my mind. He is on my candidate list and want your thoughts on him.
A Messianic Jew made the proposal that the AC would be Jewish. He said that of all peoples the Jews would only fully 'trust' a Jew. That seemed plausible to me. Its 'fun' to speculate about this. But in all seriousness, the Jews have the most to lose by the hand of this AC bloke. At the same time 'he' will have to be trusted in leading them to the slaughter. Hmm...
This topic and all comments were very interesting! I agree he is a candidate. I love looking at the candidates who we see in the world right now and there are several very fittings ones on the scene today. This Yuval Noah Harray guy is a candidate for the false prophet Id say. I think it will be someone who is out of the blue to fill the roll as the Anti Christ because this world needs a Mr fix it. I think he will come on the scene with all the answers to fixing this mess that the world is in and people will follow him because the leadership in the world is not working the way it is now. New fangled way of approaching all the problems kind of guy.
Just my thoughts on who might fill the shoes of the Anti Christ.
All of the visible candidates have their pro's and con's.
To me, the con that Zelenskyy has is his past comedy/acting career. People will have a harder time taking him seriously. His pro's have already been discussed.
The only candidate that will be able to be the anti-christ, if he is on/in the pulic scene right now, will have to be one that we the saved born-again Church alone will not like or trust. If anyone that is NOT SAVED also does not like or trust this person, count them out as anti-christ.
This guy will have the admiration of every nation, including Israel, Zelensky does not, at the present anyway, and I dont see that changing.
Zelinsky is an interesting candidate. I had never thought about that but now that you mention it I remembered reading alot about the NWO headquarters being built in Astana. This week the Poope (lol) and 7th Congress of leader of tradition religions actaully met in Astana I believe to further plan the implementation of the one world religion. Astana and Zelinsky sure make alot of sense for world war Z at best
Since Jesus the true Christ was a Jew and Satan always wants to mimic Jesus especially through his man the Antichrist, it seems very plausible to me the Antichrist would also be a Jew.
If Macron were to be the AC, Satan will have to do quite a bit of sculpting first. He’s a wuss for one thing, with other serious cons as Pete has indicated.
See my latest. He is a contender, but just not sure how serious of one he is
Has anyone looked into Emmanuel Macron? There's talk online of him being a potential AC - easy to google. I had no idea he had risen to power so suddenly with no background in politics. He's extremely intelligent and charismatic. A prominent psychologist has proclaimed him a psychopath. He has Roman and Jewish ancestry. His parents were atheist, yet his full name means "God with us" "God's peace" and " a mark". He's married to a woman 25 years older than him whom he began dating when he was a teenager. He doesn't want children, and there have been rumors he's secretly gay. He's said he wants to rule as "Jupiter", and he's been called the 2nd coming of Jesus, the Savior of Europe, and the rebirth of the Sun King. There's a mag cover (The Economist) that has him walking on water. He's been arranging 10 countries into a European Union and has said he should run it. He's talked to Israel about peace and recently delivered a speech where he stated the Israelis should rebuild on the Temple Mount. There are many more strange things about him people are connecting to potential AC. Pete, wondering if you've read along these lines?
I hate to muck up this discussion, but what about Elon Musk as an AC candidate? He is an amazing inventor that solves problems that others can not. That is how the AC attracts the loyalty of the nations. He solves world problems creatively that others cannot do. Underground hyper-loop to solve traffic issues, creates the Internets first payment system (PayPal), first man to mass produce electric cars, sends rockets to space and brings them back to land safely, creates global Internet coverage in low orbit with thousands of shoebox-size satellites, currently trying to solve the free speech problem with Twitter. He's an incredible problem solver. Regarding the old Roman Empire issue? He was born in South Africa. The whites in South Africa are primarily Dutch. The Netherlands is in the EU. There's the connection. I love the man. But the Nations will love him too until he shows his true colors.
Because God has restored Israel we live in a time of great hope for that soon appearing of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Having lived the years of Kennedy, Khrushchev and Kissinger as a military wife with that “blessed hope” within me, I believe we are very close to going home. Wether we will know who the anti-christ is or be caught up in the air before his revealing I don’t know. To be living in this time with saving faith in Christ Jesus is a great blessing desired by all saints who have gone before.
In the Song of Solomon 1:4 those who love Christ Jesus can say “Draw me” and are drawn in to the Holy Place …the Holy of Holies . John 6:44 says “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.
We have that promise.
The comments on the video made me realize that even though we don’t know “the actor’s” role we can certainly see that the world is full of people who are ready and willing to fulfill the role of “worshippers of the beast.” So unsettling.