I find Zelensky an interesting candidate. Not saying it’s him 100%, and we can’t know either this side of the rapture, but here is why.
His sudden rise from obscurity as an actor/comedian, to world political fame is interesting
His grooming from WEF and globalists and then position as Ukrainian PM seems to serve more than just as a PM, he has global leadership in his future (should he survive)
His rise is not merely political, but tested in combat where he has shown great resolve and competence. This distinguishes him from other candidates like Macron and Obama.
His willingness to lie and deceive to get other nations involved in this potentially terrifying conflict comes very easy. This is either out of great desperation or an agenda to drag this out
The globalists agenda to prop this man up as a savior means he is not working alone, but has the world leadership (of those WEF types) behind him
This topic and all comments were very interesting! I agree he is a candidate. I love looking at the candidates who we see in the world right now and there are several very fittings ones on the scene today. This Yuval Noah Harray guy is a candidate for the false prophet Id say. I think it will be someone who is out of the blue to fill the roll as the Anti Christ because this world needs a Mr fix it. I think he will come on the scene with all the answers to fixing this mess that the world is in and people will follow him because the leadership in the world is not working the way it is now. New fangled way of approaching all the problems kind of guy.
Just my thoughts on who might fill the shoes of the Anti Christ.