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All Hail King Jesus

Writer: John BellamJohn Bellam

There is soon coming a day when one man will claim the throne of the world and be the undisputed leader of the human race. Not only that but He will have absolute sovereign control over every aspect of life on this planet from nature to economics to the environment to morality. His authority will be complete and every word he says will be law and those who choose to disobey that law will be punished for their insubordination. The nations will bow at his feet and his adversaries will be scattered and chastened accordingly. The world will be totally and completely under His unchallenged control!

No, this man is not the Antichrist. Satan’s man of sin is a mere imposter. The true king is about to return and seize His rightful place as the sovereign monarchy of ONE at the head of creation and the planet better be ready.

Prepare yourself world  because the “Greater Palm Sunday” is getting closer every day and it will be a day when the whole earth will sing together in one accord “All Hail King Jesus!”


 So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead  us, such as all the other nations have.”

But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.” (1Sam 8:4-9)

Once upon a time, God was Israel’s King. They followed Him out of Egypt and into the fabulous “Promised Land “that the Lord had promised to the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ). The land was divided and given to their 12 tribes and God led them through the guidance of His chosen Judges who were mediators between The Lord and His People. But then … the people got restless. They saw how all the other nations had an earthly king and they envied those nations. They went to the final Judge (of the judges era), Samuel, and asked that he give them a king. Although God had always provided faithfully for them even through their disobedience , had given them victory over their enemies and supernaturally showed His superiority over the gods of the nations , still they sought to have a human being they could visibly see to be their great ruler. So…God accommodated them! 

God gave Israel a king but only after He warned them of the price that they would have to pay for submitting to a flawed human monarch. A human king would seek after his own will and strive to build his own wealth for his own glory at the expense of the people. They would find themselves and their children subjects to a sinful man rather than servants to a perfect Divine Father. They chose to accept these  terms though and so God gave them King Saul. 

King Saul was a paranoid man. He was a jealous man. He was an impatient man and he was also a man that sought to do things his own way rather than God’s way. He deluded himself into believing he was doing God’s will even when God gave Him specific orders which he ignored. He also made excuses for betraying God’s plans, claiming to be right rather than accept his chastening. And when God chose to inform Him that he was being replaced on the throne by someone else of God’s choosing, He chose to rebel against God’s plans and sought to kill His Successor. 

Now God had planned on an earthly king being the leader of Israel all along. One that would bring forth a descendent that would be God Himself incarnate. But Israel’s impatience to short cut the process according to their own time line rather than God’s time line led to Saul’s disastrous reign. Even so, waiting in the wings was a man who had been refined and prepared by God to lead His chosen people …David! 


The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.” (1 Sam 16:1)

David was already a hero in Israel long before God officially replaced Saul with the youngest Son of Jesse. He had slain Goliath the great Philistine giant and had become a Great War hero that Saul envied greatly. Saul’s jealousy grew so vehement that he spent the latter days of his reign trying to hunt and kill David but even though David, in turn, had multiple opportunities to end Saul’s life and hasten his own ascension to the throne, David refused. He vowed to never lay a hand on God’s anointed king and waited until God removed Saul himself. This is because David’s heart belonged to God and his desire was to do His Heavenly Father’s will and not his own. 

The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Sam 1:7b)


Like Saul, the coming Antichrist will be the people’ s choice as the global king. The world will marvel after him and seek him as the one to set up a global paradise to fulfill John Lennon’s song “Imagine”. But God already has a global (and Eternal ) King prepared to rule the world and His name is Jesus …Just as He had David prepared to be Israel’s greatest king  all those centuries ago. Because Israel chose to reject God and seek an earthly king by their own will, God gave them Saul for a short time before revealing His own Chosen Man. Likewise, God will allow humanity to coronate the Antichrist for a short time to bring world-wide destruction and judgment before He sends His Son to gloriously save and rule the planet. 

Long before David was elevated to the throne, He defeated Goliath, the mighty enemy of Israel. Similarly, two millennia before Jesus is set to return and  replace the Antichrist and initiate His glorious millennial reign, Christ came to defeat Satan at the cross. And like David, who had opportunities to quicken his rise to the throne but refused, Jesus the Messiah also refused Satan’s tempting offers to instantly gain the world’s worship choosing to obey His Father’s timeline and ignore His own human inclinations. Jesus knew He was destined to have every knee on earth and under the earth bow to Him one day, but God’s plan called for Messiah to come to earth twice and the world’s throne has been reserved for His second coming; Not His first! 


When Christ came in His “Humiliation” the first time as “Son of Man”, he was God in human flesh. When He returns to set up His millennial Kingdom He will be returning in His Glory. When Jesus took Peter and John to the Mount of Transfiguration, they saw Him in His Glory with His human veil pulled back and His glowing divinity exposed. When Jesus returns He will be a glorified King, beaming with radiance. In a sense , we see the humanity of Jesus’ first visit to defeat sin and death, in David’s kingdom where He had to fight Israel’s battles to bring peace to His people. But David’s son Solomon brought about a peaceful kingdom of might and riches and abundance and glory and for a period of time, Israel was living in tranquility and was the head of nations. Solomon’s kingdom was a preview of Israel’s peaceful kingdom in the Millennium under Messiah when He returns.  


While Solomon’s reign showed a glimpse of the future Israeli national glory, Jesus’ first earthly ministry showed glimpses of the amazing global restoration project He will initiate at His Second coming.  

When Jesus came to earth two millennia ago, He displayed His total authority over the demons and over Satan commanding them with total sovereignty. He displayed His great authority over all sickness ordering it to leave at His very word! He displayed complete authority over nature, instructing the wind and waves to cease and directing fish into nets. He proclaimed His Divine authority over the Sabbath which only God could do. He claimed complete exclusive right to forgiveness of sin as the final judge of all creation.  And He displayed  His power over death when He  raised Lazarus and when He Himself walked out of the tomb. Jesus has total authority over everything. That is because He is sovereign as God Himself and His work in Israel in the first century was a small sampling of the wondrous power He will display during His millennial reclamation project of the earth. 


The Old Testament Prophets gave many prophesies of the Messiah, recording in advance His two incredible missions to earth. His humiliation as a suffering servant can be read about in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 among many other passages. His Glory as a conquering king who will bring harsh judgment on the rebellious world and redeem the cursed planet can be found in Joel 3 and Ezekiel 34 along with dozens of other OT prophesies. There are Seven absolute objectives the Messiah will have to fulfill in the two visitations to earth. 

  1. Atone for the sin of humanity 

  2. Defeat sin and death 

  3. Graft in the gentiles to salvation 

  4. Chasten and Redeem Israel

  5. Punish and judge the rebellious world 

  6. Set up His millennial kingdom on David’s throne to fulfill His promises to Israel and restore the fallen world to God . 

  7. Conquer and vanquish the fallen angelic rebels and their leader Satan 

At His first coming the world rejected Christ and He was punished by God as payment for the sin of humanity at the Cross. He arose from the grave to defeat sin and death. And the Church He formed took on the mission of taking the Gospel to the Gentiles to graft them into the family of God. The final 4 objectives still must be fulfilled. And think about this; God loves His Son perfectly. He would certainly not allow His Son to suffer humiliation at the hands of His Creation at His first coming without ultimately giving His Son the glory of creation’s total submission to the Son at His second coming. All must be fulfilled. And that brings us to our current world. 


All around us we see the stage being set for a global king. Nation-states are being destroyed. National Borders are being corrupted with uncontrolled and undocumented immigration. National Economies are being bankrupted with uncontrolled spending. Freedoms are being suppressed with censorship and draconian measures enforced to align everyone with the globalist mindset. The Judeo-Christian world view is being abandoned for a new woke global ethic that rejects truth and promotes a new upside down reality. With all sense of structure in the world being torn asunder, Someone has to step up and bring the pieces of this broken planet together on a new global scale and for a brief moment, humanity will turn to the Antichrist to lead them. 

One of the founders of the early European Union, Paul-Henri Spaak (Belgian Prime Minister) made this statement in the 1950s which has proven to be eerily prophetic:

"We do not want another committee, we have too many already.  What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking.

Send us such a man, and be he god or devil, we will receive him."

And for a short time, the world will receive him. He will be Satan’s man of the hour and He will think he is claiming the world for himself. But he will be so very wrong. 


God has orchestrated history to unfold by His exact plan so that the global throne will be ready for the True King of Kings. It is our tendency to look at the destruction of the nations and of their national economies and of the rise of globalism and feel like everything is crashing and we are losing everything we had confidence in. But the complete opposite is true. The things we have always clung to for stability in this world are not where our real security lies. The real foundation of our peace and stability is in Christ and all this is being done so Jesus can reveal His great Glory to humanity.

We need to remember that all this is happening for the Glory of Jesus Christ. The rapture will be for His Glory as He translates His Saints in the blink of an eye to be His adoring bride. The Tribulation happens so that Christ can display His mighty Holy wrath as the undisputed conquering King punishing the nations for rejecting Him and His Word and making all nations bow at His knee Honoring Him. Israel is put through the fire so they will finally accept Jesus as the Messiah they had rejected and their hearts are broken as they cry out to Him for salvation and He returns in the nick of time as their conquering king vanquishing His foes and Israel’s enemies to fulfill all the Old Testament promises and prophesies they have longed to see. He will be glorified on David’s throne just as God promised and every jot and Tittle of the Word of God will be fulfilled by Jesus just as He promised at His first coming. He will destroy the false king and false prophet and ultimately Satan and the demonic realm, showing His glory to all creation and displaying that no one is a match for the King of Kings and no one will usurp His Glory and rightful throne. 


This is all about Jesus. All about every knee in Heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, bowing and proclaiming He is Lord! He will be adored by the redeemed eternally because He saved us from the damnation we deserved.  He will be honored by Israel as the mighty king they long desired, and by the nations who will honor Him as the only one worthy to rule humanity in righteousness. His enemies will prostrate themselves, defeated, and honor  His greatness. The angels will worship and cheer Him for saving humanity and destroying the leaders of the heavenly rebellion. And most importantly, His Father will give Him glory as the one who completed the plan and restored creation to its proper condition completing the Father’s plan which was set forth before the foundations of the world 


This is all for Jesus' glory. It’s playing out to perfection. And it’s unfolding before our eyes. We see the carnage beginning to happen but that is exactly what Jesus said would happen. It is all part of the end game that will culminate in true coronation of the only deserving King! Jesus is coming. And Hallelujah that He is! All Hail King Jesus! 

“The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”- Matthew 21:9

“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place    and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father! “ -Phillip 2:9-11



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Oct 30, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Brother John, I really enjoy your incites and uncomplicated writings. You have shined light into some dim corners of my understanding of the Bible. Thanks!

John Bellam
John Bellam
Oct 30, 2024
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Thank you 🙏


Oct 30, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I was under stress for 2 days, read this & got huge encouragement, since we have been made 'the Bride of Christ', we owe the Lord everything!!!

John Bellam
John Bellam
Oct 30, 2024
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Oct 29, 2024

It’s interesting because the religious Jews now in Israel seem to be asking for a king …. As are many patriots and Christians in America

It’s interesting… cause they are going to get one soon …

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