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Be It Left, Right, Or Center, The Beast System Is Coming!

Writer: John BellamJohn Bellam

Updated: Dec 18, 2024

It’s not about policy. It’s not about issues. It’s not about a political movement! It's not even about 

“The economy, stupid” as James Carville once famously quipped during the 1992 Presidential race. It’s not about right and left or even about right and wrong. No, the coalescing of all the world’s systems into one global entity is not about anyone’s political preference or moral ideals. What it is, is a beastly system directed by the powers of the air and straight from the pit of Hell and it is about to overtake the world in these final moments of this age.  

It’s all about Satanic control and putting all the infrastructure in place for Satan to enslave humanity and finally be worshipped by the world. Its footsteps are getting louder and louder as it grows nearer and whether it comes in from the left, right or center is of no real concern to its leader. All that matters is consolidated power, control, fear, and a throne. So do not be deceived by the world and do not relax just because you believe one political system has usurped another. No. Just beware! Because the horror is not going away ….in fact…. The Beast System is now somewhere right outside the door!

In 1978, the American public was introduced to the movie “Halloween!” It was of the Sci-Fi- Thriller genre and blindsided the moviegoers in that year's September and October months. There were no amazing special effects or big-budget theatrics. In fact, it was one of the lowest-budget box office smashes ever. So why was it so successful? It was perhaps the all-time best of its kind because it had a villain that refused to die and no one knew where he was coming from next. No matter how many times the deranged Boogeyman was seemingly slain and lying on the ground conquered, a few moments later the camera would pan back and he was gone. The fear was palpitating and it horrified movie watchers with a terror that has seldom been duplicated though Hollywood has tried again and again.  But now we are seeing a similar phenomenon happening in real life as the Beast System of Antichrist is being assembled. It’s not just a movie. This horror is coming in real life and no matter how many movements are formed to change course and kill it, when we glance back, the Boogeyman is continuing to advance at a terrifying pace! 


Before I get into the meat of this article we need to try and define the Beast system so we have a starting point. The Beast system is a global government that usurps the power of all the nation-states and has the final say as the supreme earthly sovereign over all kingdoms of the world. It will have to have total economic autonomy over every nation and every individual citizen. It will have to have the death penalty as a weapon to use against all dissidents and it will have to have a military more powerful than any national military on earth. It will need the technology to cancel anyone from society who opposes it! It will be necessary to have this system in place at the end of the age so that one man, the Antichrist, can take control of the entire world during the Tribulation period as it is laid out in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. 

The Beast may begin its final form as something like ten regional trading blocks in the world that ultimately will morph into something similar to the US model with the regions being like states and the global government being similar to the US Federal government. The leader of the Beast system however will ultimately not be answerable to the regional governments or to any congress as the President is in America because the regional heads will concede all their power over to the Antichrist and he will sit alone on the throne of the world. 

“ The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. “ - Rev 17:12

“For you have said in your heart:‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north;” - Isaiah 14:13


Until the American system of government was formed, the previous nations and kingdoms since the fall of Rome operated mostly with a monarch system. With the founding of America, a model was established that many thought could be planted around the world to form democratic governments which would make for a better life for the world’s citizens. Unfortunately, without the Christian worldview in place, that type of system was not duplicable in most areas. We saw during the “Arab Spring" uprisings, that when mobs dethrone a monarchy it doesn’t necessarily lead to independence and democratic rights of the citizenry. In fact, without the Christian worldview to support the movement, a revolution in a kingdom can simply destabilize the society to the point of gang warfare. America was unique in the sense that its revolution was supported by such a deep Christian faith, it somehow formed a brotherhood that became a conduit for the world’s immigrants to come and join one another as a new proud, and thankful united people. At least at first. 


The Beast system has been in the works for quite some time now. Trying to destabilize nations through cultural cannibalism as the rival political parties devour their own country from within because the death of nation-states is critical to birthing a global government. And the death of America is the biggest prize of the beast-building globalists. Some would say the Beast has been making inroads in America since Obama came into office. Some would say since 1990. Others would say since 1960 or perhaps since World War Two. But I would say the machinations have been in the works since the early days of America’s founding. A nation that was birthed to be a melting pot for all the world’s disenfranchised to come and start a new life leaving behind their own culture and national identity in order to be a part of a new free people was a spectacle of history and fertile ground for Beastly incubation. No one else was quite like America and the potential of it was incalculable. And of course, the kings and bankers of the world saw a vast opportunity economically if they could harness control of the new fledgling nation. No one could. But they made inroads and planted seeds that finally, in our day, are leading to our demise. A demise perpetrated by a “global economy!” 

At our inception, George Washington warned future American leaders to “avoid foreign entanglements" so as not to align ourselves and become indebted to other nations. Washington was the Father of our country and proved to be very wise with his warning. Eighty-plus years later, Abraham Lincoln heeded Washington’s warning and issued Greenbacks to pay his soldiers during the Civil War instead of taking 25% war loans from the English banks who wanted our young nation indebted to them. The Greenbacks were interest-free fiat money that we accepted by law to avoid those foreign entanglements Washington warned of. But by 1910, a clandestine group of elites (politicians and bankers) was meeting at secluded Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia to lay the foundations for the Federal Reserve System which in essence sold our national sovereignty to a group of elite investors. We thought it would give us more stability and security monetarily but all it really did was seal our fate as a borrower nation headed toward eventual bankruptcy and financial enslavement. 

“Give me control over a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its laws. “ -Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743–1812)

Our monetary sellout to the elites initiated our steep fall and was followed by two world wars that saw the military machines get a big stranglehold on the highest levels of our government. The spy networks and early intelligence agencies grew by leaps and bounds during WW2 and although they were very helpful in aiding our defeat of the Axis powers, they didn’t want to be minimized after the Allied victory. They used their specialties not only to collect intel on our enemies but also to infringe on the freedoms of our citizens forging a growing surveillance society. FBI Director J Edgar Hoover had “Dirt” on seemingly every major celebrity and politician and could manipulate Washington to his whims with his threats to expose “secrets”!

The industrial military complex that was so crucial in arming America during WW2 grew into a monster that needed to be fed because wars needed to be financed and a military machine needed money to produce warplanes, tanks, jeeps, weapons, artillery, and bombs. Nuclear capabilities meant that science had to keep discovering new and more lethal yet efficient weaponry so they needed big money also. It cost as much to finance a preventative Cold War of nuclear buildup as it did to finance an actual war. And no matter who holds office, Nixon, Clinton, GW Bush, Reagan, or Biden, the war machine has moved forward from 1941 through today. 

I bring all this up because, since the birthing of our nation, American freedom and our free enterprise system have been the jet fuel that allowed the explosion of technology (foreseen by Daniel in chapter 12) that has seen the world move from horse and buggy to space travel in just a few generations. With America being the main world superpower since 1945 and the dollar being the reserve currency of the world, for a Beast system to be born in our time, America had to be a big participant. It was necessary that the US be a partaker in the design of global government and in its united efforts to mold the future world which it has been doing with both its allies and its enemies since the Second World War. And this is where it starts to get a little fuzzy. 

America is a divided nation. Where we once were a collection of immigrants who all came to America to become a new United people, we now seem to be a nation divided by our ethnic pasts rather than unified by our American brotherhood. Why has this happened? First and foremost it is because we have forgotten or diluted our Christian heritage for the most part so the morals and world views of the nation are vastly different between the right and left politically. Secondly, there has been a concerted effort by our enemies both abroad and within to divide us by radicalizing our culture so as to form polar opposites at the ends of our political spectrum. Social media has been used to fuel the fire and now we are basically two nations living within our national borders. 

It is important to understand America's divide because as one unified powerful force such as we were in World War 2 our national sovereignty was basically unchallengeable. But as a divided people, we fall right into the self-destructive condition warned about by our Lord:

“But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.”- Matt 12:25

Our enemies, including enemies from other countries and within our own land, but mostly from the demonic realm, know that dividing America up to the point of self-destruction is crucial in order for a new world order and global government to be established. Many of our elected leaders abandoned the American ideal long ago believing our national time of global dominance had come and gone and that the time for birthing a new global government (perhaps modeled similarly to our national model ) had arrived. Because of this, they have worked hand in hand with other globalists going full force at destroying our national unity and reinterpreting our Constitution to weaken our sovereignty which stands as a fortress against their globalist aspirations.   


The left has tried to destroy America on many fronts for decades. From their worldly

Perspective they think they are liberating the socially oppressed and righting the wrongs and prejudices of the past by destabilizing the American way. But from a higher Satanic perspective, the destruction of norms and authority in the name of human rights causes unrest and allows nations to be weakened to the point of a need to cry for global answers. While all human government is imperfect, God did create authorities and governments to keep society safe from self-destruction. Just as families were created with parental authority for the good of children to be taught obedience and truth, governments also were created to keep societies in line with law and order. But Satan is all about lawlessness because He opposes God and God’s authority. 

The left has fallen into Satan’s trap by promoting social unrest, monetary irresponsibility through uncontrolled spending, Political correctness, baby killing without remorse, anti-Christian cultural upheaval, feminism, Wokeness, compromised borders, LGBTQ ideology … etc.

For years their goal has been to divide by shaming our heritage and trying to rewrite what it means to be American. It is all destabilizing, and destabilization is their ultimate goal, not human rights. Their true goal is to rouse people to rebellion against the Judeo/Christian worldview by everyone defining their own truth and once they all have a worldview in total chaos and contradiction to God’s way, the door will be open for an authoritarian of their choosing to step in and unify the people in an anti-God cultural movement. 

The Obama years took America from at least some semblance of being stable,  to “fundamentally transforming “ everything we had always seemingly stood for in a sharp left direction. It certainly had been a steady erosion for over a half-century before Obama but it went full force once he was elected. Gay marriage rights, LGBTQ normalization, and defunding the police movements along with strong racial upheaval were hallmarks of Obama’s destabilizing presidency. 

Obama and the left promoted “rights “ to the people over and over again trying to make those who felt stifled by Christian values, rise up and demand equal protection under the law. They claimed their same-sex unions were worthy of marriage even though they were defying the God-given definition of marriage when it was established “between one man and one woman!"  

They demanded their right to kill their baby into the third trimester and even up to the point of birth as a “woman’s healthcare issue“ and a “choice” issue labeling murder as simply part of their reproductive rights. They demanded that policemen stand down and allow crime to flourish in the name of reparation for all the police brutality against minorities in the past. They promoted the rights of satanists to have school clubs as a recognized religion. In other words, “rights” were being promoted not to truly promote freedom but to destroy the Judeo/Christian worldview that held America together since the Pilgrims arrived in 1620.  

The Biden administration has been even more radical taking Obama’s initiatives to the next level of perverse including the promotion of children having sex changes and re-labeling Easter Sunday as National Trans-Day. Total disregard for the borders has left America vulnerable to the influx of enemies who have infiltrated our cities with “Anti-American” hatred and violence. The draconian leadership of many of the left’s governors and Big Tech giants during Covid showed the type of  Orwellian governance and surveillance society that the globalists hope for in the future and amazingly, the left’s strongest proponents of individual anti-Christian rights, were the loudest promoters of the hard-line lockdowns. Why? Because with no God to answer to they naturally cling to science as their god and make the scientific community their religion. When their leaders spoke in the name of science (even though it was mostly false science ) they gladly bowed down to the dictatorial orders as if they were written on Mount Sinai! Especially when it meant they could dictate Church closings on Sunday mornings. 

 More government and less freedom is their answer to almost everything as long as it opposes God’s view of culture and it sets everything up for a model the Antichrist will desire in His Dictatorship. Total unquestioned control! No human rights are ordained by our Creator (as our Constitution states) but only government-granted rights established from a left-leaning globalist worldview. Things seemed to be almost hopeless for our culture if another leftist president emerged from the 2024 American election. 


On the other side of the aisle, Nixon’s policies that made our money oil-backed (Petrodollar) and not gold or silver backed, ultimately helped lead to our enormous national debt and the devaluing of our currency. The policies of George W Bush that initiated the war on terror after 9-11 and conveniently allowed the Patriot Act to pass, were instrumental in helping forge the geopolitical alignment of today’s world and allow the intrusive surveillance society we have today.

Add to that the likelihood that the right’s policies which initiate economic growth and support Israel may be just what the world needs to finish the prophetic puzzle by creating the global conditions needed to finish “Mark of the Beast” type technology and inspire a rebuilt temple for the Jews, and we can see that it took both the right and left to get to where we are today. 

Although I was thrilled with the results of the November 5th election in America and the MAGA victory by President Trump to a second Presidency, the truth is that America is not on a long-term mend. It may be somewhat revived from our death spiral for the short term but nonetheless, the Bible is clear we are destined to fall as all nations will to the rise of a global tyranny. We still may have a big role in supplying the final pieces of the prophetic puzzle, both technologically and geopolitically, but we have an expiration date as the world’s greatest sovereign superpower. 


At this point in time, it is impossible to know whether the Anti-Christ kingdom will arise as a product of “Wokeness” ideals or if it will be from an uprising to counter the “wokeness” ideology. 

But either way, it will take a hard line against all of its opposition and outlaw all competing views. 

We are told in Scripture that a Harlot religious system will arise side by side with the Beast system of Antichrist for a while. It will support the Antichrist ascension and will likely help galvanize the world’s religions behind His political movement. Then when the Antichrist takes total power as the global dictator, He will destroy the Harlot.  

Could the Harlot be the interfaith movement we see led by religious leaders like Pope Francis who denies Biblical truth and promotes wokeness and Green policies as well as salvation for all faiths and religions regardless of one's relationship with Jesus Christ?  After the rapture, those who adhere to this worldview (whether Catholic or Muslim, atheist or Hindu, Buddhist or Apostate Christian) will

be the only spiritual leaders left to steer society into the Tribulation until the 144,000 Jews are sealed to preach the true gospel. 

But what if the Harlot arises from the “Kingdom Now Church” who denies the rapture and the nation of Israel and believes the Church must win the world to Christ and claim all the world’s major institutions for Jesus?  While there may be a large number of true believers in this movement today who would love to win the world to Jesus and fight the woke mentality, after the Rapture all that will be left of that movement will be zealots who may choose to find a man they think can conquer the world for conservatism not realizing the man they support is Satan’s prize pupil. Remember, all Germans were not bad when they supported Hitler. They were blinded to his evil out of desperation to fix their national problems. The same may be true of those who trust the Antichrist to fix this broken world 


Personally, I believe the Antichrist kingdom will emerge from the center because the final Church of ”Laodicea” is called lukewarm and not hot or cold. It is spat out of the Lord’s mouth and into the Tribulation period. If the Harlot Church clings to a false non-saving gospel is thrown into the Tribulation then it makes sense the Antichrist kingdom may arise from the center and not from extreme right or left. But as was mentioned earlier, it matters not to Satan which direction the beast arises from. The whole point is to have a throne in place because once He comes to power, his government will quickly consolidate into a Dictatorship much like Hitler’s did in nazi Germany once he rose to power. 


God is Sovereign and knows full well from where and when the Beast is arriving. He knows the Devil is simply manipulating humanity for his own purposes to establish a globalist throne for himself to sit upon and gain the worship he has longed for since time began. But… the joke is on him. God has the whole thing aligned to bring glory to His wonderful Son and just as soon as Satan finally has his evil goal right in his hands,  Christ will return to banish him and establish His own throne as king of all Kings eternally. The Antichrist may believe he will rule the world’s throne but he will simply be keeping it warm for the true King! 

“A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.”- Proverbs 16:9


A sovereign America is a hindrance to a global beast system. That’s why America has been a target for destruction both from the outside and inside for decades. While American ingenuity and exceptionalism have allowed the technology explosion we have seen necessary to take the world from a 1st-century style of living only a couple hundred years ago to the advanced world described in the pages of Revelation that we have today, we are now more of a hindrance to the rising Beast system than an asset. Most of the infrastructure is now in place for the Rider on the White Horse to begin his advance and it would please him greatly to see the Sovereign USA cast into the dustbin of history ASAP!  But …apparently, God still has some work left for the old Red, White, and Blue. 

Donald Trump’s victory in November may be just what Israel needs to finally have the allied support to rebuild the Temple. Trump’s friendship with Elon Musk may help forge the final developments in Mark of the Beast Technology and Trump may also have the economic clout to initiate digital currency with a more appealing rollout to sway constitutional conservatives to accept his version. It’s possible these final pieces of the prophetic puzzle will be engineered by the right and not the left as we have been witnessing. After all the final configuration not only had to see destructive elements of the old world (initiated by the left ) but also infrastructure building (mostly initiated by the right). 

Regardless of which direction the Beast finally comes from, the important thing for us as watchers to remember is this: The Beast system requires a global throne, total power, and all the infrastructure technologically to control all buying and selling! When Satan’s man sits on that throne with that power and that technology then all the evil that the dark powers have planned since their Heavenly rebellion will be unleashed on Earth. The previous political affiliations of those worshipping him will be meaningless at that point because the entire world will marvel after him for his charisma and genius and will follow him faithfully to their own ultimate demise. 

So… we can be thankful today that sanity seems to have prevailed in our most recent Presidential election. I certainly am. But we can’t lose sight of the fact that nothing has changed in the “Big Picture!” We are simply one day closer to the Lord’s appearing. One day closer to the Beast systems arrival.  One day closer to the Ten Kings (Horns) of Daniel and Revelation emerging to bring forth the Antichrist. One day closer to Israel building her temple. One day closer to Israel’s redemption. And most importantly, One day closer to our eternal Glory with Christ. 

Yes, the Boogyman is still advancing. In fact, it’s closer than ever in spite of the conservative victory in November. And for those who are now exhaling and falling back to sleep expecting a strong nationalist revival to catch fire around the world, I warn you…Beware!  Because just when you think it’s dead, it is really lurking even closer in the shadows. Don’t sleep! Instead, Keep looking up Brothers and Sisters. For our redemption draweth nigh! 

“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!

For you have said in your heart:‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’

Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit.

“Those who see you will gaze at you, And consider you, saying: "Is this the man who made the earth tremble, Who shook kingdoms, who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed its cities…" - Isaiah 14:12-17



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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I read this article twice. Now, I'm going to read it again after reading an article by Sasha Latypova. She warns about Trump trying to create a "Technate" consisting of the USA, Mexico, Greenland and Canada. Here is a link to the article. But really, is this not a harbinger of a type of the "ten kings". To your point about right, left or center, God's will is going to be made manifest no matter what. So, when I read articles like this I become more convinced of the nearness of the time of globalization. Andy Woods has a good weekly broadcast on YouTube called "Pastor's Point of View". He compares current events to scripture and makes a compelling cas…


Dec 31, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and work with us! Great condensing of the key points of right, left and the middle. Ever since reading Ezekiel 38:13 (about 25 years ago) I believed that the USA had to be diminished on the world stage. I believe that diminishment, as you have said, is already in operation. Yes, we are getting closer. Thanks again for a great article that is easy to follow and understand.


Rowena Murphy
Rowena Murphy
Dec 20, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great article.


Dec 12, 2024

The 4th Turning is well underway and the US is falling right in line. Isn't it interesting that Trump is already referring to Trudeau as Governor instead of the PM of Canada as if the US/Canada/Mexico will become 1 region? 😉



Dec 12, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This is very good post. I enjoyed reading it. In talking about the beast system im going to mention One thing Ive noticed. Trump, Who I voted for, Is a person to watch when it comes to looking at the world and speculating on a possible Antichrist. I believe in the Pre trib rapture so I don't expect to be here when the Antichrist arrives yet I still look at the world looking for the men who stand out. Trump wasn't thought much of his first term but he is different this term. The world treats him different and America treats him different. World leaders are lining up to meet him, Its joked that there kissing the ring. If Trum…

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