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Daniel's Cryptic Notes

The two Great Prophetic timetable Books of the Bible relaying events of the final days of history are without question Daniel and Revelation. Both are Divinely filled with amazing information that only God could have known from many millennia ago. But while Revelation clearly lays out the sequences unfolding during the seven year Tribulation, Daniel gives us many typologies which represent events of the Babylonian/ Persians Kingdoms of his day, and also foreshadow events of the coming Antichrist Beast system which is just around the corner. Sometimes Daniel’s description of end times events are hidden in the texts and need to be investigated deeper in order to mine out the nuggets of details we may need to be looking for in the coming global government takeover. In this article we will take a brief tour through the Book and see how the overriding themes of each chapter can fill in many of the clues we need to complete the final prophetic puzzle!

A couple years ago I did my own study of Daniel and took notes so I could summarize each chapter when I was finished. I was hoping that by using this method that the tapestry of what I was seeing would put the book into clearer perspective and the Big Picture would be more obvious. All the prophetic Old Testament Books have incredible truths that point to our Lord’s First earthly visit and/or His second coming. But many of the other books are also history books that dealt with issues that have long since come to pass and while Daniel’s book does this  also, His stories also seem to mysteriously  project forward to some yet unfulfilled events. Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, Daniel’s Lion’s Den and an entire chapter devoted to eating vegetables all seem cryptic and in need of further investigation. So below is my brief summary of the chapters, the key end times points that are revealed , and how I see them applying to the coming time of Tribulation. 


Chapter 1

Daniel and his friends are exiled to Babylon after Judah has been conquered and are chosen to be educated for service in the kings’ court. They are ordered to eat the food that all those chosen for the royal court must eat including foods sacrificed to the false gods. Daniel and his friends decline the food, not wanting to defile themselves, and ask for merely vegetables and water. Their supervisor does not want to accommodate them so Daniel asks that they be tested for a period of time and if they are as healthy as the rest after eating only his diet plan then could they be allowed to stick to it? It was agreed upon and Daniel and his friends are able to abstain from the unclean food. God nourishes them and makes them healthier than all the others so they are allowed to continue eating in this manner . 

Key Tribulation Theme:

Others will decide what you can eat and what is best for your health!


The coming Beast system will likely come about through tyrannical orders from the WHO and other entities that limit what we can eat (bugs) and what we can grow. They will dictate what vaccines are necessary and require everyone to adhere to mandated policies they consider good for the environment (eliminate cows) and the health of the planet. Everyone will have to adhere to their policies with only exceptions being made for the exempt elites who will still be allowed to have their gas powered SUVs and Jet planes and steak dinners. 

Chapter 2

Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of a great metallic statue and he can’t understand it nor can his wizards and sooth sayers. Finally through prayer Daniel is given the interpretation of the dream by God. Each section of the statue represents a kingdom that will rule over Daniel’s people throughout history and the final human government will consist of 10 kings or regions. At the end, Messiah finally takes the throne of David and destroys the human kingdoms. 

(The reason the kingdoms only refer to Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and the Roman Empire and then move directly into the final Beast kingdom is because Israel was not a nation in all the centuries between Rome’s dynasty and the final Beast kingdom and no nation has ruled over them since their return in 1948. But the Antichrist’s kingdom of ten toes will rule over them for a short season)

Key Tribulation Theme:

The final Beast system will start with 10 regional kings (the ten toes of iron and clay) . 


There is much speculation of what the rise of Antichrist will look like and where he will come from. But what we really need to be looking for is the regional division of the globe into 10 economic blocks. There are certainly already plans for this sort of division and  that would be the first step to true global government because it would take the power away from sovereign nations and put that power into the hands of 10 regional governors/kings who will likely be appointed and not elected (this can only happen with no sovereign USA). The Antichrist will arise from the Old Roman Empire region of the 10 but is not mentioned at all in this chapter indicating the final 10 part kingdom will be what the beast system looks like and the Antichrist will become the ruler over it  after the fact. 

Chapter 3

Nebuchadnezzar erects a giant statue in the Plain of Dura and requires that everyone conform to his new form of worship by bowing down to the statue . If anyone refuses he is a non-conformist and the punishment is being thrown into a blazing furnace to die. 

Daniel is not mentioned in the chapter. 

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel’s Jewish friends) refuse to worship anyone but their God and consequently are thrown into the fiery blazing furnace which is heated seven times normal strength but instead of being consumed , a fourth person appears that looks like the Son of God and keeps them safe . They survive the ordeal unscathed to Gods glory . 

Key Tribulation Themes: This one has several .

  • a new form of worship will be implemented 

  • An image must be worshipped 

  • God will preserve the Jewish remnant 

  • During the troublesome time the Jews will turn to Jesus for salvation 

  • Daniel is missing 


A new form of worship will be instituted and everyone will be required to conform. (This may come in the form of earth worship from the green environmentalists and blame may be placed on non-conformists that the world is growing hotter [7x?] due to climate change deniers). This extreme environmentalism may blend with religion and start out as part of the Harlot Church that incorporates woke ideologies and the Green movement into their false religion to unify the planet’s various faiths. 


“They exchanged God's truth for a lie and worshipped and served the creation rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.” (Rom 1:25)

“6 Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people. 7 He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.” (Rev 14:6-7)

Most likely the new worship indicated in Daniel 3 will be directed to the image of the beast in Rev 13 which is represented by the Statue. We know the Antichrist and False Prophet will set up an image (perhaps an AI god) in the rebuilt temple and will require the whole world to worship it. 

The three boys represent the sealed Jews in the Tribulation that can’t be killed and the one like the Son of God  in the furnace with the three is Jesus Christ and foreshadows the Jews when they believe on Christ during the tribulation and thus will be saved through the time of Jacob’s trouble. 

Daniel is conspicuously absent from the whole chapter. Does he represent the missing believers from the rapture? Is he absent to show that when the antichrist requires global worship that the pre-tribulation saints will already be gone? Possibly! 

Chapter 4

Nebuchadnezzar claims all glory for his kingdom for himself so God turns his mind into the mind of an animal for 7 years. After that time he recognizes it is God that is sovereign and that it is God who sets up and brings down kings. 

Key Tribulation theme:

During the Tribulation the world will suffer 7 years of a demented ruler . 


While there are those that argue that the Antichrist will only rule 3.5 years, Daniel makes it clear his demented rule will, to some extent at least, span all 7 years of the Tribulation. 

Also, at the end of that seven years he will be destroyed and Satan banished proving it is indeed God who is sovereign over all kingdoms . 

Chapter 5

Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson, Belshazzar, assumes the throne and estranges himself from Daniel and the Jewish influence. He desecrates the holy Temple utensils his grandfather carried away from Judah and throws a big gala of drunkenness and debauchery . His sinful pride is on full display until God writes a message on the wall of the palace during the orgie. “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin". The message is not decipherable to BelShazzar’s Cabinet so they resign themselves to call upon Daniel to translate the message. Daniel tells the king that God has "numbered" the kingdom of Belshazzar and brought it to an end; that the king has been weighed and found wanting; and that his kingdom has been  divided and given to the Medes and Persians (Dan. v. 1-28). That very night his kingdom is overthrown. 

Key Tribulation Themes:

-Arrogance will be the key characteristic of Antichrist’s kingdom.

-Abomination and destruction of Holy things (God’s Biblical world view) will rule the day. 

-The Beast government will mock God, believers will be trivialized and put out of influential positions, sinful revelry and pride will be prevalent  

-God Has already made His judgement and the kingdom has fallen beyond repair! 

-Pride goes before a fall! (Prov 16:18)


The arrogance of the Beast kingdom will be based on the belief that science and evolution has raised man above all previous religious beliefs and gods, including the God of the Bible. All tenants of the Christian world view will be disdained including traditional marriage, the assignment by God of the individual’s sex at birth, and the sanctity of life  (just as the Holy utensils were desecrated by BelShazzar). The believer’s opinions will be silenced and trivialized in Antichrist’s kingdom just as Daniel’s counsel was no longer sought  after the death of Nebuchadnezzar. Sinful pride was uplifted then just as it already is in the LGBTQ movement today. We can already see this end times worldly arrogance from the elites who scoff at Christianity; And from Hollywood who prefer the culture of death and Pagan ideas to a Christian world view. 

The Beast kingdom will attempt to mock and replace God but will fail as Our Lord already has passed judgment on it and has assigned it an expiration date!

Chapter 6

The conspiring wicked cabal of wise men in Darius’ service seek to entrap Daniel for praying to His God. They trick King Darius into issuing a decree that anyone who prays to any Deity besides Darius will be thrown into a lion’s den and killed. When Daniel is reported to have prayed to His God they insist that Darius have Daniel thrown to the lions because He issued the edict and even the king himself cannot counter a law of the Medes and Persians. Daniel is cast into the Den but God shuts the mouths of the lions and Daniel is spared. Those who conspired against him however are not so lucky. Darius has them and their families eaten by the lions as punishment for their deceit. 

Key Tribulation Themes: 

-Wicked world rulers seek to eliminate influence of God and his people (Psalm 2).

-A death sentence is given to anyone who refuses to betray God (Rev 13).

-God protects His faithful chosen ones through the danger.

-The cabal is destroyed in the end for their unGodly rebellion.


The global elites are plotting a kingdom that will eliminate the Judeo Christian world view and push a whole new humanist reset. When the Antichrist takes over and sets up the Abomination Of Desolation at the trib mid-point, anyone who won’t deny Christ and declare allegiance to Antichrist will be killed . God will protect the 144,000 preserved Jews through the Time of Jacob’s Trouble and they will inherit the Millennial Kingdom  of Christ. The evil Beast cabal and Antichrist along with the false prophet will be cast into the Lake of fire and destroyed at the end . 

Chapter 7

Daniel sees a vision of four great Beasts that would rule over his people Israel. Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and The Roman Empire are the four successive kingdoms but the final one transforms through the ages into a 10 horned alliance that tramples and devours all the sovereign nations and establishes the final Antichrist tyrannical kingdom. The Antichrist hunts down and destroys those who put their faith in Christ during the tribulation and seeks to destroy the Jews but God protects a believing remnant of Israel.  The Lord Jesus then returns to judge the world and destroy the Antichrist. 

Key Tribulation Themes: 

-This whole chapter unfolds Israel’s future history of submission to successive world powers culminating in the Tribulation and rise of the Antichrist from among 10 kings.

- It is a one chapter preview of the Book of Revelation. 

-Christ returns in the clouds to destroy the Antichrist’s kingdom and establish His millennial reign. 


Again we see the final  ten king regional governments of the Beast as in chapter two but this time we see the Antichrist rise up from among them . The Antichrist will rise to power from  the 10 regional kings overtaking 3 of them so we need to be looking for that 10 king alliance first before the Antichrist is revealed (after our evacuation ). The world will have a 10 region division, and the EU or Old Roman Empire area of the 10 regions  is the area from which the Antichrist will arise . 

12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” (Rev 17:12-14)

Jesus promised that the “Gates of Hell” would not be able to stand against the Church (Matt 16:17-19) so when we are told in Daniel 7 that the Antichrist will be overcoming the saints we know those are not the Church saints. That’s a key to understanding there is a difference in Tribulation Saints and the Pre-Tribulation Church. 

The return of the Lord coming in the clouds lines up with the Stone carved without hands at the end of Daniel 2 and the Angel’s Words to the disciples at Jesus Ascension that said Jesus would return in the same way He left; In the clouds (Acts 1).

Chapter 8

Daniel is given a more detailed vision of the second and third kingdoms of his four beast prophesy from chapter 7. The second two horned ram is the Medo -Persian empire and they would be overthrown by the third beast represented by a shaggy goat. The goat is Alexander the Great and his kingdom was to be dispersed in four parts to his main generals. From One of the general’s lines of power came a man who ruled over Syria named Antiochus Epiphanes who would later attack Jerusalem, rebel against the God of Heaven, persecute the Jews and desecrate the Temple in a foreshadowing of what the coming Antichrist will do. The passage in verse 12 says “He will throw truth to the ground” during his reign. Gabriel comes to Daniel and says it pertains to the time of the end so the rise of Antiochus is a foreshadowing of what the Antichrist will do. And Gabriel reveals that the Antichrist will be destroyed by the Prince of Princes which will be the Lord!

Key Tribulation Themes:  

  • perhaps the Antichrist will Come from Greece or and have Syrian roots 

  • Antichrist will seek to destroy the Jews and will desecrate their rebuilt temple 

  • Antichrist’s kingdom will be built on lies and the destruction and denial of truth and will have no interest in real facts. 

  • The antichrist will come to total power not by his own ability but by Satan’s power. 

  • The Antichrist will not be destroyed by any human opposition but will be defeated by Jesus Christ at His return. 

Application : Here we have one of the most zoomed in pictures of the Antichrist in all of Scripture . He will possibly have Grecian and/or Syrian roots. He will rise to power through lies and deceit . We can already see misinformation abounding in our world and the truth being censored by those on the globalist payroll. 

The Antichrist will deny truth and will come against God and the Judeo Christian world view . He will desecrate a newly built temple which goes hand and hand with other passages about the abomination of desolation including Rev 13. His power will come from Satan and He will be too powerful for human opposition to thwart. He will make war with the Jews seeking to exterminate them as Hitler tried to do . It will take the return of Jesus Christ to defeat him and his wicked kingdom. 

 Chapter 9

As Daniel gets old he realizes the time of Jeremiah’s prophesy of 70 years of captivity to Babylon are nearing an end for the Jews. 

 “I will summon all the peoples of the north and my servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,” declares the Lord, “and I will bring them against this land and its inhabitants and against all the surrounding nations. I will completely destroy[a] them and make them an object of horror and scorn, and an everlasting ruin. 10 I will banish from them the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, the sound of millstones and the light of the lamp. 11 This whole country will become a desolate wasteland, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.” -Jer 25:9-11

Daniel prays for God to forgive the sins of His people and restore them to their homeland. God immediately sends the Angel Gabriel to give Daniel a prophesy of 490 years divided into seventy (seven year periods) known as weeks of years. Starting with a coming decree to return and rebuild Jerusalem (which can be found in Nehemiah 2), 483 years would pass and then the Messiah would be revealed but then Cut off or killed. Then Jerusalem and the temple would be destroyed and the land abandoned for an unspecified time. After that A coming leader would make a seven year covenant with Israel and many other peoples but at the mid point that leader would turn against Israel, desecrate the temple and finally would be destroyed at the end of the final 7. The culmination of the 490 years would make a complete end of all transgression, put an end to sin, provide a final atoning for all wickedness, and bring in everlasting righteousness, seal up vision and prophecy and anoint the Most Holy Place. In other words at the end of the 490 years the righteous era of Godly government would be instituted and the redeemed world would see peace with God in an Eden like millennium led by Messiah.

Key Tribulation Themes:

-The Jews have set times on God’s schedule to be the nation set for punishment and for the Fullfillment of all their prophesies of glory . 

-There was a 483 year prophesy that would be fulfilled at the Crucifixion of their Messiah . 

-The city of Jerusalem and the temple would be destroyed by the same people that would bring forth the Antichrist some time in the future. (Roman empire)

-Since Israel would be destroyed and exiled after the 483 years, they would have to be restored sometime after that in order for the final 7 years to be completed. 

-There is a seven year prophesy remaining that will be the Fullfillment of the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble “ prophesied in Jeremiah 30:6-8. 

-The Prince that confirms the final 7 year covenant ushering in the Tribulation will come from the area of the old Roman Empire. 

-The Antichrist will desecrate a rebuilt temple in the middle of the final 7 and proclaim himself to be God but He will be destroyed. 

Application: The first 483 years of the 490 year prophesy were fulfilled precisely with Jesus Christ being crucified 483 years after Artaxerxes’ decree in Nehemiah 2. Then the city and temple were destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. That leaves 7 years remaining somewhere in history . We know God regathered Israel into their land in 1948 and now the prophetic signs of a global beast system, mark of the beast technology, controllable digital currency (no one can buy or sell without the mark of Rev 13) , and Jerusalem being a burdensome stone to the rest of the world are filling our daily news headlines. The time is perfect for the Antichrist to come on the stage and help force a covenant on Israel to set up a false peace that Isaiah calls Jacob’s “Covenant With Death!” (Isaiah 28:18) 

We know from Daniel 9:27 that the Antichrist will arise from The old Roman Empire area and that at the mid point of the final 7 years he will enter the temple and set up an abomination that revelation 13 refers to as “The Image of the Beast”! And we know Jesus Christ will defeat Him after the final 3.5 years of the 7 year tribulation transpire.  This chapter gives us specific timelines that help us interpret the rest of prophetic scripture. 

Chapter 10

Daniel sees a vision of a Great War that disturbs him and makes him fast in mourning . Then he sees the pre-incarnate Christ and he loses all strength at the sight of the Lords majesty ! After this, Daniel is left alone and soon an angel comes to comfort him and give him the truth of what will transpire in the future for his people all the way until the end . 

Key Tribulation themes: 

-the prophetic visions are overwhelming to Daniel and the chapter seems to be a brief pause or interlude for strengthening as also seen in Revelation chapter 10 with John and the little scroll. 

-Daniel sees the Lord in pre-incarnate form just as John sees Him in His glory of Rev 1. Both appearances are too much for the prophets to handle in their sinful flesh and they feel like dying. 

-Daniel sees Christ, then Jesus leaves Daniel alone, and then angels come to minister to him and give him the explanation of the rest of the prophetic timetable. John has a similar experience in Rev 10. 

-Is the appearance of Christ and then His disappearance and Daniel’s being left alone a preview of Jesus appearance to take the Church and then the Jews being left alone in a world with only Heavenly help and no earthly help to finish history ? 

-is the Great War Daniel sees the Battle of Gog-Magog, the final battle of Armageddon , the constant war in the Heavens or a combination of all remaining war?

Application: The world is getting worse and worse, the end of human government will bring horrific war and consequences to humanity and Israel (Daniel’s people ) will soon have to endure the worst time in history. Daniel was given visions of all of it and it was too much for a mere man to comprehend and withstand but he was not alone. Christ appeared because He is the one who will finish history. He is the only one that is worthy to finish history as Rev 5 proclaims. And even during the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” the angels and our mighty God will protect the remnant of Israel to survive. Although all this overwhelmed Daniel, He was given strength and refreshing at a moment he needed it. All history will unfold exactly as God has pre-ordained! Even as watchers we can be overwhelmed and sickened by the things coming upon the earth and we need to have a break at times to remember God is in charge and will comfort His people. 

Chapter 11

While chapter 11 unfolds much of ancient history for the final 4 kingdoms which we learned about in chapters 2 and 7, it also zooms in on certain features of the Antichrist that would describe his character to us. It basically shows the unfolding of history up until the time of Antiochus Epiphanes and the Maccabean revolt, and then takes up again with the rise of the Antiochus type final ruler who is Antichrist. 

Key Tribulation themes: 

-The Antichrist will rise to power from the among the few people.

-He will be deceitful.

-He will hate God’s Holy people.

-He will blaspheme the God of HEAVEN.

-He will set up the Abomination of Desolation in the Temple.

-He will seek the help of a foreign god not known previously.

-He will seek to be worshipped as God himself. 

-He has no desire of women. 

-He will Invade the Holy Land and try to take possession of it.

-He will be destroyed in Israel when God’s wrath is finished.

-The Jews will be refined and the remnant will survive the Tribulation along with some Tribulation saints.  

Application: This passage starting especially with Daniel 11:21 is a full discourse on the Antichrist’s reign . We see He will rise to power among just a few people . This may be speaking of the elites of the global world order who will appoint him rather than a popular movement of the people to elect him . It also could be alluding to his rise from among the ten kings previously disclosed to us in chapters 2 and 7. 

He will rise to power through lies and flatteries and deceit. He will be vile and hate God and the Judeo-Christian worldview, which we see even today in the leadership of the UN, the WEF, and other global entities. 

He will blaspheme the True God and will set himself up as a god when he desecrates the temple at the mid point of the Trib. He seeks the alliance with a foreign god of fortresses which many have alluded to as a new age god or perhaps the Muslim god Allah. It also could be referring to an AI god that the scientific world likes to describe once artificial intelligence reaches apparent consciousness. I believe it could mean Satan or another Demon Indwells the “Image of the Beast” and makes it appear conscious and a god of some evil sort. Remember Satan’s desire has always been to be worshipped as God. Through the Antichrist and the “Image of The Beast”, Satan will require the worship he has longed for from the whole world . It will however be short lived glory for him. 

Antichrist also shows no desire for women which could mean he will be a homosexual. Anything that is opposite of God’s created design is what he will aspire to. 

Finally he will come into the Holy land seeking to make it his own and exterminate the Jews just as Hitler tried to do but he will be destroyed when the 7 years of God’s wrath are complete and it will happen right there near Jerusalem just as Revelation tells us in chapter 20. 

During all this time, God will be protecting His people through the fire and when Israel finally recognizes that Jesus was their true messiah and they cry out to Him as a nation to save them, He will return as He promised (Matt 23:38-39).

Chapter 12 

At the end of the prophesies, Michael the Archangel will stand up and help Israel . The Jews will be ready to inherit their long awaited kingdom. And the Lord will return. 


After receiving all the prophetic messages, Daniel is told to seal up the book until the time of the end. Daniel did not truly understand much of what he saw but God had given him all the information and understanding that would be provided at that time. God said that when the end time was at hand then knowledge would be greatly increased as would travel abilities. In the interim, many would be made white through salvation . And at the end, the final  3.5 years of the Tribulation would be unmatched in history for its ferocious destruction. The time clock for this final 3.5 years would begin at the Abomination of Desolation in the temple. 

Key Tribulation Themes :

-human knowledge and travel will increase greatly at the end of time.

-The book of prophesy will be sealed until the time of the end when someone will have to open it.

-From Daniel’s time until the end , many will  be saved and made white as snow, previewing the Church age which was an OT mystery. 

-There will be 3.5 years from the time the Antichrist desecrates the temple until the Lord returns  at the end of the “Time of Jacob’s trouble”. Because of this, the rapture and 2nd coming can’t be the same event. 

Application :

From the beginning of time (or at least since the flood) men rode horses and wagons and technology was slow to advance . Then in the last 200 years the explosion of advancements has been head spinning. We have gone from horse and saddle to rockets in space . From bows and arrows to killer drones. From pen and paper to Artificial intelligence. That leap in the increase of knowledge is unbelievable and exactly what Daniel was told would happen as we approach the very end of this age.

None of this was  fathomable to Daniel so he was told to seal up all he saw and the understanding would come at the end of human governed history . So the book was sealed . But that means someone has to unseal it . I believe that’s exactly what we see in Revelation 5-6 . The Lamb who purchased the souls of men with His blood was the one found worthy to open the scroll and finish prophetic history.


 I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. He went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals,because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” 11 Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. 12 In a loud voice they were saying: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength    and honor and glory and praise!” (Rev 5:4-12)

Those souls who were saved by the lamb are the very ones Daniel saw in verse 12:10 who are the hidden Church that were made white by the blood of the Lamb. 

Finally , the secret of the rapture and the second coming are revealed and they have to be separate events because the rapture happens “when you see all these things begin to come to pass” (Luke 21:28), but the second coming happens 3.5 years from the mid point of the tribulation and that is when the wrath is completed and not just beginning. 


When we add up all the key Tribulation points, an amazing picture of the final seven years can be seen in greater focus. 

(Ch 1) Starting with the desire to control the health of the planet and enforcing Tyrannical methods to seize control of the nations, the final Beast system  will begin. (Perhaps already a mini-preview with Covid 19 trial run in 2020)

(Ch2) The tribulation will come after the great national and regional empires have ceased and will be brought about by a global system headed by ten regional kings. (Thus the rush to destroy borders and national economies ending the sovereignty of nations)

(Ch 3) At the time of the ten kings, a new worship system will arise also which will be embraced by the Harlot church. It will likely seek to unite the whole world in one form of earth worship but will eventually lead to the erecting of an image in the temple that requires worship from all the earth or will result in death to all who refuse. The pre-trib saints will be visibly absent when this happens (Daniel is absent) and God will protect his sealed Jewish people (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) through the fire. (The climate change cult is forcing this earth worship on the world right now)

(Ch 4) From the Ten kings will arise a demented ruler that will devour the world like a wild animal for 7 years  . 

(Ch 5) The demented ruler’s kingdom will arise out of pride and arrogance and will mock God and seek to trivialize all believers and desecrate anything that has to do with a Judeo Christian worldview. But the kingdom will already be on a time clock with the expiration date written by God’s Hand. (The pride movement has stolen God’s symbol the rainbow and the movement is mocking God’s creation in countless ways)

(Ch 6) The cabal of elites who pledge their loyalty to the Antichrist’s kingdom will require all worship and loyalty to be directed to the Antichrist and the mark of the Beast will be required. Anyone who pledges loyalty to the God of the Bible will be killed . 

(Ch 7) Antichrist will be conquering the whole world , blaspheming God and overcoming the Tribulation saints until God sends His Son Jesus back in the clouds to destroy the evil dictator and establish His kingdom on earth. 

(Ch 8) Characteristics of the Antichrist emerge from this point forward including information on the Grecian area of the old Roman Empire he may emerge from, the fact that his kingdom will be built on lies, His power will be from Satan and his real goal will be to to destroy the Jews and set himself up as God in the temple . 

(Ch 9) He will emerge as the leader to facilitate the final 7 year covenant with death for Israel and will break the covenant at the mid point setting up the Abomination Of Desolation in the Temple. 

(Ch 10-11) He will bring Great War and devastation to the world and will overtake the Holy land at the end seeking to make war with Jesus at His return but will be destroyed by the returning Lord!  His most devastating work will come the final 3.5 years leading up to Jesus second coming! 

(Ch 12) Humanity will be unable to understand how all this will be possible until the time of the end when knowledge and travel will increase exponentially and it will be sealed up until the Lord unseals the book.


God painted the whole picture for us in the prophecies of Daniel. Knowingly or not , Daniel was given the entire jigsaw puzzle which when pieced together,  reveals a clear picture of the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble.” We can see how the forming global beast system is attempting to usurp the powers of national governments through the World Health Organization and the elimination of our Christian world view. We can see their plans for ten regional trading blocks and their reasoning for destroying national borders thru uncontrolled migration and immigration which is to destabilize the Nation states of the world and create crisis conditions that need global answers. Out of all this will arise the Antichrist who will plunge the world into seven years of Hell on earth.  Thankfully we will be gone before that moment comes but Daniel’s people (Israel) will still remain to endure the flood. We need to be Praying for God to protect His Church until the Rapture; Protect the Jewish people through the time of their great trouble; and call all who will believe in Him for salvation to come now, before the door is closed!

“And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” -Daniel 2:44

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5 days ago

John, a quick question? Why should we think that the ‘time, times and an half’ in Daniel 12:7 should equate to 3.5 years? It was given as part of the answer to the question in Daniel 12:6, ‘How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?’

Look into that some more. You may find that 3.5 years would not be a realistic answer to such a question.

4 days ago
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Likewise in Daniel 7:25, when the saints are given into the Antichrist's hands for this length of time.


5 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Nice article, John. Very thorough. I always wondered why Daniel is called by his Hebrew name but his three friends are always called by their Babylonians names. Daniel was called Belteshazzar; to Hananiah, Shadrach; to Mishael, Meshach; and to Azariah, Abed-Nego. I think we ought to call them Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, just as we call Daniel, Daniel.


5 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

All I can say is WOW this was absolutely amazing, I would have never been able to begin to understand the book of Daniel in this way. I'm going to read this again!! Thank You Brother.


5 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you, John. That was presented with such clarity. I will share with many who struggle with the book of Daniel.

God bless



5 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Very much appreciate this outline of Daniel - so great to have other believers' take; this was just so helpful. Thank you! God Bless You All, Brothers & Sisters! Hope to see you All soon - keep looking up!! ❤️

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