So I created this a year or two ago for your edification. I updated it a few months back just to put some graphics on it. Now, given the increase of traffic to this website, it undoubtedly brings out of the woodwork those who either deny the Pre-Tribulation Rapture position (which is the only Biblically-based position) or seek to discredit those who teach it so as to gain followers after themselves. I don't want followers, my life is complicated enough as it is. I want you to follow Jesus as I do. We are here to grow and edify each other in the process. Remember, I'm on this journey just as you are.
FTR, the Bible only teaches one Rapture position (or one doctrinal position on any given doctrine). The Bible is not a "choose your own" adventure book. If the Rapture happens on a day or hour no man knows, then the ONLY time that can happen, is PRIOR to the start of the Day of the Lord. Because once that Day starts, it's heavily chronicled and time-stamped for specific events to happen and one could easily determine when the Rapture will happen if we (the Church) step one foot inside the 70th Week.
There are many groups out there, who foolishly attempt to muddy the waters of a believer's understanding by either 1) linking the Church's timeline to Israel's, or 2) inserting their own interpretation into the Bible (this is called eisegesis). If we simply interpret the Bible in the way it was intended to be interpreted (literal, historical, grammatical) then this is the timeline you get. In closing, I'm not saying this chart is 1000% correct, but it is close. There are some things that are going to happen we can't know definitively how and when until they happen. But we (the Church) will not be here for those things.

Love the chart, Pete, and have been encouraged by so many articles. I put Gog-Magog in the 2nd year of Jacob's Trouble, though. Millennium is not the perfected state, rather renovated state. Perfect state is the new heavens and earth. Okay for weapons to burn into 1000 period therefore. After all, smoke will rise from Babylon for the entire 1000 year period. Look up Dr. Andy Woods differentiation of 1000 year reign and eternal state. An event like the weapons burning could not happen in the new heavens and earth, but can during 1000 year reign. I used to think weapons could not burn into the millennium, but Wood's explanations changed my view on this allowing me to put Gog-Magog…
A picture worth a thousand words. I don't know how you could present it any clearer.
This chart is much easier to follow than even the best written description! Thanks for doing this, Pete.
Not soon enough!! Maranatha
Very good graphics, along with the simple explanation of how it all comes into view. I’m intrigued by the way things are progressing and becoming more focused. Less than a generation ago, nobody had any idea how the AC would be able to control the world monetary system, etc. Then the computer age came along and now we can see it in real time. More things being revealed, sometimes daily.