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Writer's picturePete Garcia

Friday VLOG (12/09/22)

Updated: Jan 21, 2023

I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Revelation 3:8

"Donkey's in Dallas" excerpt from Jack Kinsella

"I’ve told this story before, but for the benefit of new members, bear with me whilst I engage in a little name-dropping to make my point.

Back in the early 90’s I was speaking at a conference in Niagara Falls with a bunch o’ famous guys; Chuck Missler, Hal Lindsey, Dave Hunt, Peter Lalonde and Dave Breese.

These guys were old pros, but I was pretty new to it all. Over coffee one morning, I asked Dave Hunt how he kept his feet on the ground in the face of all the adulation from Bible prophecy fans, of which he had many.

Dave told me that there was once a donkey for hire. Out of a stable full of donkeys, he was picked to be the one hired out for a day. At the end of the day, the rest of the donkeys asked him how his day went.

Our donkey was thrilled. “It was amazing,” he said. “There were crowds lining both sides of the street. They were throwing palm fronds before my feet and shouting ‘Hosanna!’ as I passed by.”

“You know,” said the donkey, “I think they’re gonna crown me King.”

Dave looked at me over his coffee cup and asked me if I remembered the name of the donkey. When I said I didn’t, he told me that was the point. Some people think the commotion is for them, rather than the Message that they carry.

Over the course of my ministry education, God has given me access to some of this generation’s most gifted teachers. I’ve received instruction from such giants as Dr. John Walvoord and Dave Hunt, Grant Jeffrey, Dave Breese, Chuck Missler, among many others.

I was personally ordained into the ministry by Hal Lindsey — but only after I’d completed a ten-year discipleship. Following the ceremony, Hal introduced me as the “downright Reverend Jack.” I believe the Lord arranged my ministry training in such a way as to make it impossible to take myself too seriously.

“For by grace are ye trained, and that not of yourself, lest you forget you’re just a donkey.”

Below is a list of things I watch on a fairly routine basis.

'Watchman' YouTube Channels

Prophetic Ministries

Alternative News/Information Channels

Recommended Satire Channels

Recommended Rumble Channels and/or speakers

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Dec 12, 2022

Thank you Pete. Been out of sorts lately, haven't listened to any podcast or watched any video last 4 days. This morning I decided to see what you have posted and the Friday VLOG caught my eye. What you said on your video, gave me the boost to just roll up my sleeves once again and get back into the saddle, doing my little bit to kick a few demonic shins purple and blue in my wake. I TRULY needed to hear about the tiny group of remnant believers scattered all over this planet, those that need to hold the line, who need to encourage and pray for each other even though battered and bruised, we need to lower our…

Dec 12, 2022
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Hello Dawn, no I don't have remnant believers around me thats why I feverently follow Pete, Tyler (Generation2434), Pablo (Serpents & Doves), Pastor Tom (Hope For Our Times) and Pastor JD. My God ordained beacons of light far FAR away in this dark and evil world. 🤭🤭🤭 Yes, I tend to kick up a proverbial prayer storm on this side of the continent and KICK i can, a few shins are begging for some whipping as far as I am concerned. 😳😆😆😆 Thank you for praying for me, I pray for every single member on here too. God bless dear Dawn, may His face shine upon you and your loved ones till we meet in the sky! 💞❤💞


Chad Taylor
Chad Taylor
Dec 11, 2022

The beast is the USA the mark is here the vexxanation which is the abomination that causes desolation set up in the temple your body! Bad bible interpretation has caused many Christians to miss this because of a preconceived notion of when the mark arrives. Get close to Jesus and get out of the beast lest You suffer her plagues!!!!

Autumn Blue
Autumn Blue
Dec 11, 2022
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The mark of the beast is something people will willingly take as an open act of worship towards the AntiChrist. It can't happen innocently. That already eliminates the vaccine. Pete is right, the Anti Christ has to show up first, and the church will be Raptured before that.


Dec 11, 2022

Pete, I want to encourage and thank you my brother for being a Watchman on the wall in these End Days, and all you do for the Lord! I am so thankful for this community of believers who hold tight to our Blessed Hope! We will all meet soon in Heaven! The Lord bless you, Your Sister in Christ, Teresa 💕


Dec 10, 2022

Personally, my dear sisters, I find it very difficult to have a woman in a position of leadership in the body. Unless she is teaching other women or children, I agree with the Apostle Paul. We all have our giftings and callings from the Lord, but we also must remember that it was Eve who was the first deceived. Adam may have been a follower, but I always have wondered if the roles were reversed, would Adam have acutally listened to the devil? I guess we won't know that until we are with the Lord, but it does make one ponder about it.

I have no ill will towards any woman who chooses a role of leadership, I think of…

Dec 12, 2022
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I agree Pete. There are very few women that teach the Scriptures. I think that kind of proves my point. I am specifically talking about women in the pulpit. If you read my reply to Autumn Blue, you'll see why I think that way. Thank you, kindly Pete, for opening a venue for the brethren to break bread! You are very rare in that sense, as many teachers and writers do not seem to care much about the voice of the body. Another reason I wrote earlier that we must keep you all in prayer because the enemy would like nothing more than to silence you and shut you down. The role of teaching in Scripture carries with it a…


Autumn Blue
Autumn Blue
Dec 10, 2022

I've listened to a few of Carol Vey's vids, and I think she's lovely. I do have a caution though. In some of her earlier vids, she quotes from The Message version of the Bible. This is a terrible, even blasphemous edition. It was written by a single man in his basement, no team of scholars and language experts. He claims he received some of his "translation" through automatic writing which is a New Age practice at best and a demonic practice at worst. I'm sure she's not aware, and she is clearly a sweet Christian woman who loves the Lord. I think her testimony and the things she says (so far) are solid, but I'd exercise caution with any…

Dec 12, 2022
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Agree 100% about The Message. Its been translated as a pompous movie script with no respect of the true nature of God's word or the correct spiritual interpretation. Street slang at its best and a horrific version of biblical scripture. Thank you for highlighting that fact. God bless Autumn Blue.

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