The "Yanuka" (if you were wondering who I was referencing)
The Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda • Fascinating Documentation of His Life and Ways (English CC) (Documentary) (Salvation?) (Demon?) (Miracles?)
Pete, do you think Rev 18 is referring to America? I don't see how it can be considering verse 24 which states that the blood of the saints and prophets is found in Babylon. I've always thought it was referring to the Catholic Church with headquarters in Rome. In some spots it sounds more like a mighty nation, in others like the Catholic Church. We know how corrupted they have been over the centuries and how many nations have courted that religion and done atrocities on its behalf.
Pete and Tyler....Tyler, I saw your prayer request on Telegram. I have been praying for your back all day and will continue as you see the new chiropractor tomorrow. I'm so sorry for your pain, but as well so inspired by your perseverance. Pete...I am printing out multiple copies of "Rules for the Remnant" for our adult Bible study at WellSpring. As we are in 1 Thessalonians line-by-line, Mike led a "Rapture Symposium" tonight and we are further equipping! Praise God for all both of you do for His glory and our growth. Rest well, Philippians 1:6, and Revelation 22:20! (I STILL love this latest broadcast!)
The link for any who want to print for your refrigerators, glove compartments, and…
Like it salty... So happy to see you had it trade marked
Pete & Tyler
Well done!!! you have expressed what we have been feeling but could not really grasp exactly why but now … it has come together and we know the time is at hand. Thank you both!
Hallelujah for frogs.. Those cute little creatures