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Oct 15, 2022

Hi Brother Pete!

I think you have a rare insight to interpret the events happening in world. Of course, through Gods spirit. The prophetic word (in the Bible) is beeing forfilled right now. With Israel and the Middle East, with Europe and Usa and the rest of the world. These globalists, the ocultic, luceferian elit of this world, serving satan and prepare for his kingdom to arise. This is the Tribulation...

Well I'm a student of the prophetic word, and has been since I was saved in -84. The time is short, Jesus is going to snatch us, rapture us, His church, very, very soon, Halleluhja, Marana tha!

Greetings from 🇸🇪 Sweden!

Ulf Schager


Oct 13, 2022

Thank you, Pete, for posting these interviews on your website. You tube is starting to scramble my feeds and I can watch here without commercials. God Bless You!


Oct 13, 2022

Thank you, Pete, for posting these interviews on your website. You tube is starting to scramble my feeds and I can watch here without commercials. God Bless You!


Oct 13, 2022

Thank you Pete Garcia for posting the second half of the live from doomtube, to Pastor Toms app. How did you know I dont have the app? God Bless you! I appreciate your talents, may God continue to use you, greatly.


Unknown member
Oct 11, 2022

Thanks Pete and Tom. A good overview of what you have both been covering about the recent events and how they tie in with the Bible perspective, along with the (so far) mysterious exploding bridge incident. Tom seems to have been quite impressed with your comprehensive article on Gog and Magog, Pete, as were your regular readers. I hope this interview gets a wide audience and increases the number of your prophecy watchers. More readers means more prayers, and more Gospel preachers and teachers who are fully informed with sound doctrine to back them up. This increasingly crazy, wicked world needs all the help God can give them through us, His ambassadors.

Stir us up, please Lord, and send us…

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