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Multiples of Seven: God's Perfect Number

Writer's picture: Randy Nettles Randy Nettles

Seven is not just a number but a symbol of profound spiritual perfection and completion, a concept uniquely and deeply associated with God (Elohim). This unique association is evident in the dual fulfillment prophecy of Isaiah 11 concerning Jesus Christ, a descendant of Jesse,  David’s father, who the Holy Spirit would empower. “The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:2). 


These seven spirits of the LORD rested upon Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Zechariah 4:2 refers to the Holy Spirit as “seven lamps.” The “seven Spirits of God” in the book of Revelation (1:4. 3:1, 4:5, 5:6) refer to the Holy Spirit in the perfection of His multifarious ministry. Revelation 4:5 also relates to the Holy Spirit as “seven lamps of fire.”


The Bible, the ultimate source of wisdom, mentions seven more than any other number (besides one). 7, often considered a “lucky number” by man, holds no such connotation with God. God’s special number 7 is all about spiritual perfection and completion. Luck is a word reserved for humans; it is only another idol, the antithesis of faith. This article is a comprehensive update on biblical numerology (regarding the number 7 and its multiples) from earlier articles of mine and new material as well.


7 is one of the Bible’s four so-called “perfect numbers.” 3, 10, and 12 are the other perfect numbers. 3 is the number for divine perfection (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit); 10 is the number for ordinal perfection (Noah was the 10th from Adam, etc.); and 12 is the number for governmental perfection (the twelve tribes of Israel, etc.). Although the number 5 is not considered one of the perfect numbers, it is very significant as it represents grace.


Here are a few of these articles if you want to delve into these numbers further.


The number 7 plays the most significant role in the Bible's numerical symbolism. Some multiples of the number 7 should also be mentioned to provide a comprehensive view of this symbolism: 14 (2 x 7), 42 (6 x 7), 49 (7 x 7), 70 (7 x 10), 77 (7 x 11), 490 (7 x 7 x 10), 1960 (7 x 7 x 10 x 4), 3430 (7 x 7 x 10 x 7), and 7000 (7 x 10 x 10 x 10). The product number exhibits significance in an intensified form.


Matthew mentions Jesus' genealogy (from Abraham to Jesus) in Matthew 1:1-17. It is a telescoped genealogy, a condensed lineage that overlooks multiple generations. The opening verse tells you it will be telescoped: “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” The number 3 represents divine perfection in the Bible, thus Jesus, David, and Abraham. However, the number 14, as a multiple of 7, also holds a profound significance.

Matthew compresses his genealogy into three sets of 14 generations: “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the carrying away into Babylon until Christ are fourteen generations” (Matthew 1:1-17). Once again, the number 3 represents divine perfection in the Bible, and 14 (7 X 2) represents spiritual perfection (7) doubled.

It appears Matthew is emphasizing the number 14 (2 x 7) to such a degree that he intentionally leaves out multiple generations in the lineage of David (list #2). Matthew lists only 42 (7 X 6) generations from Abraham to Jesus, whereas Luke lists 56 (7 X 8). Actually, Matthew only lists 41 names, as Jechoniah is listed twice. The dividing point between lists 2 and 3 is Jechoniah and the “carrying away to Babylon.” Jechoniah was the first king of Judah to be exiled to Babylon. He was carried away in chains.

Matthew wanted to showcase Jesus’ genealogy to leave no doubt that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah) and eternal King of the Jews that the prophets of the Old Testament wrote about. He did this by accentuating the genealogy of Jesus by using a multiple of seven (14) three times. See Jesus' Family Tree ( and Jesus' Family Tree: Part II ( for more information.

The gematria of David’s name in Hebrew is 14. The number 14 is a well-known number throughout Israel’s religion and history. The Feast of the LORD, known as Passover, began on the 14th day of the first month of Nisan, according to Leviticus 23:5. Most Bible students are aware of the significance of this Feast and how Jesus fulfilled it (as the Lamb of God) with his death on this day. On the seven days of the Feast of the LORD, known as Tabernacles, the Jews were to offer 14 lambs without blemish (Numbers 29:15,32) as a sacrifice to the LORD.


As mentioned, Matthew 1:1-17 lists 42 (3 x 14) names in Jesus’ genealogy (by adding Jechonias twice to the last two sets of 14). 14 is the sum of 7 x 2. 42 is the sum of 6 x 7.  6 is man’s number and signifies rebellion (ever since the man Adam), while 7 is God’s number and signifies completeness. Jesus is the perfect God man. 42 is also the number associated with mankind’s rebellion against God. The Anti-Christ’s (666) absolute reign as king of the Earth will last for only 42 (6 x 7) months.


The number 49 is significant in Scripture as it represents seven weeks or seven cycles of completeness. For instance, there must be seven Sabbaths or 49 days (+1) between the feast of Firstfruits and Shavuot/Pentecost.

Also, the land (and people/work animals) must rest every seven years, where no work will be done, for it is the Sabbath year. Then, after seven years of rest for the land has been observed, the 50th year (49 plus 1) of the Jubilee can occur. The Jubilee can never happen until all 7 Sabbath years of rest have occurred for Israel. Once the 50th Jubilee has occurred, the following year starts the cycle over again, with it being the new number 1 year.

Cyrus II of Persia conquered Babylon on October 12, 539 BC. His official reign began in the spring of the following year, 538 BC. Cyrus decreed the Jews could return to Jerusalem to rebuild their temple in the same year. 49 years after the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 586 BC, the first wave of exiles returned to Jerusalem in 537 BC to build the house of the LORD (see Ezra 1:1-3).


70 (7 x 10) signifies perfect order with spiritual power and meaning. 70 is a significant number as it is the product of two perfect numbers, 7 and 10. Both spirit and order are greatly emphasized: 70 elders were appointed by Moses; 70 descendants of Jacob built up the nation of Israel; David died at the age of 70; Gideon had 70 sons with his many wives (and 1 with his concubine).


The prophet Jeremiah prophesied that Judah would be in captivity to Babylonia for 70 years; 70 elders were the total for Israel’s Great Tribunal, which was later called the Sanhedrin; Jesus sent out 70 disciples to preach the gospel; and the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD. Daniel’s prophecy of 70 ‘weeks’ (or sevens) is mentioned in Daniel 9:24-27. Most Bible scholars believe the ‘weeks’ refer to Shemitah (Sabbath) cycles of seven years.  


The southern kingdom of Judah was invaded by the Babylonians three times. They are known as the desolations of Judah. The first invasion (and captivity) was in 605 BC (2 Kings 24:1-2). The second (and captivity) was in 597 BC (2 Kings 24:10-16). The third and final invasion was in 588 BC (2 Kings 25:1-21) and lasted until 586 BC when most of the children of Israel were carried away into captivity by the Babylonians. The desolations of the Jews and their later regathering and restoration by the LORD lasted for approximately 70 years. Their restoration was connected to the land and their holy temple.


In 538 BC, Cyrus issued a decree that the Jewish people could return to Judah and build a new temple in Jerusalem. This fulfilled the prophecies of Isaiah, who named Cyrus as the one who would carry out God’s purpose for Israel, “It is said of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, You shalt be built; and to the temple, Your foundation shall be laid” (Isaiah 44:28), and of Jeremiah, who prophesied a return to the Promised Land after 70 years (Jeremiah 25:11-12, 2 Chronicles 36:22).


The second temple’s construction began in 536/535 BC. From 605 BC (first desolation) to 535 BC is 70 years. The work on the temple stopped in 530 BC and didn’t resume until 520 BC. From 597 BC (second desolation) to 527 BC (third year of non-work on temple) is 70 years. The temple was finished in 516 BC, and its dedication occurred in the same year. From 586 BC (third desolation) to 516 BC is 70 years.


Many believe that 37 and 73 are God’s numbers because, in theomatics (the mathematics of God), these numbers appear to be the base number on which most references to Jesus (God-the-Son) are structured! See I AM, the Great Mathematician ( The number 33 represents Jesus in many ways.


Jesus started his ministry at 33 (some say 30) and was crucified in AD 33 (IMO). The word “firstfruits” is mentioned 33 times in the Bible (NKJV). “Christ is the firstfruits of the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:20).  The “kingdom of heaven” is mentioned 33 times in the Book of Matthew (KJV).


The “kingdom of God” (or “Kingdom of our God”) is mentioned 33 times in the Book of Luke and 70 times in the New Testament (Ephesians 5:5 calls it the Kingdom of Christ and our God). 37 + 33 = 70.  The Greek word hepta (translated as seven) occurs 33 times in the Book of Revelation, pointing to the perfect Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.



The word “seven” ( by itself, not including another number/s following it, such as 700) and its compounds sevens, seventh, and sevenfold are mentioned 490 (70 x 7) times in the Bible: 392 (56 x 7) times in the Old Testament, and 98 (14 x 7) times in the New Testament. Seven is mentioned 368 times, sevens is used two times, sevenfold is mentioned five times, and seventh is used 115 times for a total of 490 times.

We know that 490 represents spiritual completeness. It is a multiple of 7 (spiritual perfection and completeness) and 10 (ordinal perfection). I discussed this in an earlier article, The Dual Reference Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 (

As I mentioned, there are 7 Sabbath days between the Feast of Firstfruits and Shavuot/Pentecost. “And you shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete” (Leviticus 23:15). The English word “complete” is the translation for the Hebrew word (transliteration) Tamim.


Another translation for Tamim is “without blemish” or “perfect,” such as in Leviticus 23:12, “And you shall offer that day when you wave the sheaf he lamb without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering unto the Lord. Interestingly, Tamim has a gematria of 490 (70 x 7). In the New Testament, Peter said Jesus was “as of a lamb without blemish and without spot (1 Peter 1:19).


Regarding a 490-year timeframe between biblical events, the first one mentioned in the Bible is Israel’s initial punishment for failing to obey God’s commandments regarding the Promised Land. Israel had failed to observe the land’s one-year-in-seven sabbath rest for 490 years, so the term of the Babylonian captivity was set at 70 years to make up the deficit. 2 Chron. 36:21 says, “The land enjoyed its sabbath rests; all the time of its desolation it rested, until the seventy years were completed in fulfillment of the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah.” This is a reference to Jeremiah 25:11.

According to Daniel 9:24, 490 years or 70 weeks (more accurately translated as sevens) were determined upon the Jews and Jerusalem to complete their transgression and bring in everlasting righteousness. Most scholars believe the prophecy would not end until 70 seven-year time spans had elapsed, or more precisely, 490 years. I have a different take on the total years involved with this prophecy. See Sevens (

The 69 weeks of Daniel 9:25-26 were from 444 BC (Artaxerxes decree in his 20th year) to 33 AD (IMO). Although the years 458 BC (Artaxerxes decree in his 7th year) to 33 AD (the crucifixion of Jesus) do not qualify as the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70 Sevens prophecy (IMO), they are significant nonetheless.

The starting point of these 490 years began with Ezra’s return to Jerusalem in 458 BC to “teach statutes and ordinances in Israel” concerning the Law of Moses (Mosaic covenant) and to install magistrates and judges. They were also to purchase the necessary animals and grain for sacrifices and offerings. In other words, this decree by Artaxerxes was to restore the Mosaic covenant in the newly built second temple. The end date, 33 AD, was when the “new covenant” (prophesied about in Jeremiah 31:31) was confirmed after the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ shedding His holy blood on the cross.

I believe Jesus’ first advent began the new covenant, which allowed for salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and the permanent remission of sins. The Holy Spirit would then indwell all believers. This is when the spiritual Kingdom of God began, but it did not fulfill all of the objectives of Daniel 9:24.


Yes, the first advent of Jesus provided reconciliation for sin and iniquity. However, it did not “make an end of sins,” as the religious non-Messianic Jews are still observing the Mosaic covenant. They atone for their iniquity by observing the rituals of Yom Kippur every year instead of inviting Jesus Christ into their lives as the Redeemer. The non-Messianic Jews have not finished their transgression of unbelief against Jesus, as it is prevalent. Indeed, everlasting righteousness hasn’t occurred, nor has all vision and prophecy been fulfilled. A third temple in Jerusalem has not been built, nor has a high priest anointed it. These objectives for the Jews (in Daniel 9:24) will only be fulfilled after Jesus’ second advent.


1960 (490 x 4) YEARS


In August of last year (2023), I wrote an article called Seven Times More (, in which I discussed how the global elites and the United Nations are determined to bring in a New World Order and seem fixated on the year 2030 (2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development). I wrote, “I believe the Rapture will greatly speed up the global elite’s plans for their New World Order. Instead of the United Nations stated goal for a New World Order beginning in 2030, it could start as early as 2026 for the beginning of the Ten Kings Kingdom (Daniel 7:24), with 2030 being the year of the Antichrist’s takeover.” This is not a prediction, just common sense, as you (Christians) would have to be living under a rock not to believe the Tribulation is near.


“According to Daniel 9:24-27, the dispensation of Law was interrupted seven years short of its scheduled completion by the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which started the new covenant (the dispensation of grace). Fifty days later, on the day of Pentecost, the Church was born when the Holy Spirit was poured out on Jesus’ disciples. Daniel’s 70th seven is those missing seven years of the Mosaic Law, which will resume shortly after the Rapture.


I believe God will use His supernatural victory in the Battle of Ezekiel 38-39 to draw Israel back into a covenant relationship with Him, prompting a national desire for a Temple in Israel, the resumption of Levitical worship, and the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week, aka Jacob’s Trouble. There are currently many atheists in Israel. One must first acknowledge God the Father before acknowledging God the Son. It will be evident to the children of Israel that it is Yahweh Himself who delivers them from certain destruction from the overwhelming coalition forces of Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others. “So the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day and forward” (Ezekiel 39:7).


To fulfill the prophecy of Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15, there must be a third temple in Jerusalem. For the Antichrist to commit the abomination of desolation and stop all sacrifices and offerings, there must be a rebuilt (new) Temple in Jerusalem. Perhaps permitting the building of the Third Temple will be a bargaining chip that the Antichrist uses to bring the Jews into agreement with the seven-year covenant.


Something significant will happen regarding the third temple of the Jews in the “great reset” year 2030 (IMO). There are 1,960 years between 70 AD (when the second temple was destroyed) and 2030 AD. That is twenty-eight 70-year periods (28 x 70 ) or four 490-year periods (4 x 490). I believe this temple will be built before 2030, so I think 2030 could be the year of the abomination of desolation and the ceasing of sacrifices and offerings. 2030 could be the start of the 3.5-year “Great Tribulation,” whereas the Antichrist becomes the sole ruler of the world. This will not be the idealistic “great reset” and “new world order” envisioned by today’s global elites. It will be hell on earth.


The Jews experienced 70 years of desolation in the 6th century BC, but that is not much compared to what they have been going through since 70 AD and 135 AD when they were defeated and scattered throughout the world. This is known as the diaspora of the Jewish people among the Gentile nations. Leviticus 26 is God’s promise to Israel for blessings or retribution/curses based on whether the children of Israel obey God’s word. Verses 1-13 describe the blessings from God, while verses 14-39 describe the curses from God.


Leviticus 26:18 says that if the people still did not hearken to God after these curses, He would punish them seven more times for their sins. Verses 19-20 describe these curses. Verse 21 repeats the retribution of verse 18 and promises them “seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.” Verse 22 describes these plagues. Verses 23-24 say that if the people still did not obey God, He would “punish you yet seven times for your sins.” Verses 25-26 describe God’s next curses for their disobedience. Verses 27-28 say again that God would “chastise you seven times for your sins.” Verses 29-33 describe these chastisements. That’s a total of 28 times more for their sins and unbelief.


Leviticus 26:31-33 describes the last three curses that God inflicted upon the children of Israel for their repeated wickedness. “And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savor of your sweet odors. And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it. And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.”


The initial punishment for the Jews' iniquity in the 6th century BC was a 70-year captivity in Babylon. After their ultimate sin of rejecting Jesus as the Messiah in the 1st century AD, they were scattered throughout the nations of the world. Instead of 70 years, they would be punished 70 x 7 years (490 years). If, at this time, they still rejected Jesus, God would punish them for another 490 years. Leviticus 26:18-28 mentions four of these “seven times more” for their sins if they did not obey God.


From 70 AD to 560 AD would be the first “seven times more.” From 560 AD to 1050 AD would be the second 490 years. From 1050 AD to 1540 AD would be the third 490 years. From 1540 to 2030 is the fourth 490 period of punishment for the Jews.   


Incidentally, from 1537 to 1542 AD, the Ottoman Empire, under Suleiman, laid out the Temple area as it is today and rebuilt the walls and gates of Jerusalem, which had been without a wall since 1219 AD. The Damascus Gate was the last to be finished in 1542 AD. The walls still stand today. The last time the walls and gates of Jerusalem were rebuilt (as mentioned in the Bible) before then was when Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem in 444 BC (the start of the 70th seven.


The next punishment phase of 490 years (70 x 7) will end in 2030 AD. Even though Israel became a nation again in 1948 and reclaimed Jerusalem in 1967, the nation of Israel is essentially a secular country and still does not acknowledge Jesus as the anointed Son of God. They are still under the last of God’s curses upon them for their unbelief in Jesus Christ.


In 2030 AD it will have been 1,960 years [twenty-eight (4 x 7) 70-year periods] since the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, thus fulfilling Daniel 9:26b. “And the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.” These 1,960 years are described in Daniel 9:26c: “And the end shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.”


Sometime around the end of these 1,960 years, the interrupted “70th seven” of Daniel 9:24-27 will resume, and the Antichrist will confirm the covenant with the many for seven years. He will permit Israel to build their Third Temple in Jerusalem. “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week” (Daniel 9:27a).


In return, Israel will give up some land to the Palestinians (perhaps a two-state solution), which will anger God greatly. “Because you have said, We have made a covenant with death, And with Sheol we are in agreement. When the overflowing scourge passes through, It will not come to us, For we have made lies our refuge, And under falsehood we have hidden ourselves” (Isaiah 28:15). The last seven years, Jacob’s Trouble, will be the culmination of all God’s anger on the Jewish nation (and Gentile nations). Only one-third of the Jewish people will survive Jacob’s Trouble.


“And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God” (Zechariah 13:8-9).


After 3.5 years, the Antichrist will break his (confirming of) covenant with Israel and stop the sacrificial system that has been reimplemented in the newly built Temple in Jerusalem. He will then commit the abomination of desolation. “And in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate” (Daniel 9:27b). I believe there is a high possibility this evil event will occur in 2030, the year of “the great reset” that the new world order elites lust for. The last 3.5 years of the 70th week are described in Daniel 9:27c, “even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”


3430 (490 x 7) YEARS


I have two different chronologies for the history of mankind. The first one, A Chronology of Mankind – 6000 Years of History (, is based strictly on the Bible and corroborated with known historical years. This chronology starts with Adam's creation in 3960 BC. In 2041 AD, it will have been 6,000 years since Adam’s creation.


In the second chronology, The Hepta Week Cycle For Six Millennia of Mankind (, I tweaked the original one by eight years as there could be some added months for the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 (as I am confident all of the fathers didn’t beget their sons on their birthdays). This chronology has Adam’s creation in 3968 BC. Both chronologies intersect at Abraham’s birth in 1952-1951 BC. At this juncture, they both have the exact BC/AD dates but different AM (anno mundi) dates. Reckoning by this chronology, in 2033 AD, it will be 6000 years since Adam’s creation.


With the Hepta Week Cycle chronology, there are 3430 years between 3968 BC and 538 BC, when Cyrus issued the decree for the exiles of Israel to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their Temple. 539-538 BC is the 490th Shemitah year since Adam’s creation. Also, in approximately 1399-1398, Canaan was divided between the tribes of Israel. At this point, the people rested from war for a brief time. From 1398 BC to 2033 AD is 3430 (490 x 7) years.


The transliteration of the Greek word ἑπτά is hepta. Interestingly, Strong’s Lexicon’s number for hepta is G2033. Hepta is Greek for seven. The words seven, seventh, and seven times occur 88 times in the New Testament (as does“Son of man”). Eight is the number for new beginnings. The Greek isopsephy value for Jesus Ἰησοῦ (Iēsou) is 888.




Using the Hepta Week Chronology (3968 BC for the creation of Adam), there are numerous intersections of “multiples of seven” biblical events. If the Shemitah (Sabbath) year cycle for the land started with Adam in the Garden of Eden, all these events would be year #1 out of their respective 7-year cycles.  With this criteria, I will list some of the more significant events.


  1. Creation to the birth of Abraham – 3968-3967 BC to 1952-1951 BC = 2017 years or 288 sevens

  2. Abraham’s birth to the children of Israel entering the Promised Land – 1952-1951 BC to 1406-1405 BC = 546 years or 78 sevens

  3. Promised Land entrance to the destruction of Jerusalem and the first temple – 1406-1405 BC to 587-586 BC = 819 years or 117 sevens

  4. Destruction of first temple to Cyrus decree for the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their temple – 587-586 BC to 538-537 BC = 49 years or 7 sevens

  5. Cyrus’ decree to the second temple’s construction completion – 538-537 BC to 517-516 BC = 21 years or 3 sevens

  6. Second temple to Jesus’ birth – 517-516 BC to 6-5 BC = 511 years or 73 sevens

  7. Jesus’ birth to Jesus’ first year of ministry – 6-5 BC to 30-31 AD = 35 years or 5 sevens

  8. Jesus’ first year of ministry to Bar Kokhba’s defeat by the Romans and subsequent deportation of the population of Judah – 30-31 AD to 134-135 AD = 105 years or 15 sevens

  9. Jewish diaspora throughout the world to the Jew’s return to the Promised Land – 134-135 AD to 1948-1949 AD = 1813 years or 259 sevens (or 37 x 7 x 7)

  10. Independence declared for the modern nation of Israel to the upcoming year on our calendar – 1948 -1949 AD to 2025 -2026 AD = 77 years or 11 sevens

  11. Seven years past 2025-2026 is 2032-2033 AD = 7 years or 1 seven


If you add these up, you get 6000 years, 857 sevens (+1 year), or 120 Jubilees. 120 Jubilees are equal to 40 Jubilees x 3 (or 2000 years x 3). If you divided 6000 years by 3 and used 3968 BC as the start of the creation of mankind, you would have the following events every 2000 years:

  1. According to the Hepta Week Chronology, Abraham was born in the 2017th year of Creation, so 2000 years would be seventeen years before Abraham was born. 3968 BC + 2000 years = 1968 BC.

  2. 1968 BC + 2000 years = 33 AD. This is the year Christ was crucified (IMO)

  3. 33 AD + 2000 years = 2033 AD. What will occur in 2033 AD remains to be seen. It is still nine years into the future (from 2024).




This belief in 6000 years of history for mankind is known as Chiliasm. In this belief, one thousand years on mankind’s calendar is as one day to the LORD (as per 2 Peter 3:8; Psalm 90:4). The typology of the creation week in Genesis 1-2 is used in Chiliasm so that mankind will work on the earth for 6000 years (akin to six days for the Lord) and will rest during the 1000 years of Jesus’ millennial kingdom. The last 1000 years (6000-7000 AM) would be akin to the Sabbath day of rest for the LORD. This is also called the Millennium Day Theory, where one thousand years are as one day for the LORD.

The Old Testament prophet Hosea had this to say about the subject of “1000 years are as one day for the LORD,” (IMO): “After two days, he will revive us: in the third day, he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: His going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come to us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth” (Hosea 6:2-3). The two days represent 2000 years since Christ’s death (IMO). At the end of the 2000 years, the Jews will see their redemption when they call on the name of the LORD (Joel 2:32) at the end of Jacob’s Trouble (Daniel’s 70th seven). The third day represents the 1000 years of King Jesus' reign on the Earth. 

Thus, mankind will have been on the earth for 7,000 (7 x 10 x 10 x 10) years before God creates a new heaven and earth for redeemed humans and righteous angels. We are rapidly approaching those 6,000 years of mankind’s history before the Millennium Kingdom of Lord Jesus begins.

Barnabus, the companion of the Apostle Paul, taught the Millennium Day Theory in his writings, The Epistle of Barnabus. See The General Epistle of Barnabas ( (Chp.13). Irenaeus and Justin Martyr, two disciples of Polycarp, who was a follower of Jesus’ disciple, John, taught it as well. However, some of the early Church fathers reckoned by the Septuagint version of the Old Testament in which the creation was thought to have occurred in 5500 BC, approximately 1500 years earlier than the Masoretic version. This would have placed the 6000 years of mankind in the year 500 AD.

The year 452 AD saw Attila the Hun invade Italy. 476 AD saw the Western Roman Empire fall at the hands of Germanic tribes. I would imagine Christians living in this age would have believed the end of the world as described in Matthew 24 and Revelation was near at hand, reinforcing their idea of Chiliasm.

Bede (673-735 AD) was one of the first to break away from the standard Septuagint date for the creation, and his work De Temporibus (On Time), which he completed in 703 AD, dated the creation to March 18, 3952 BC, but was accused of heresy at the table of Bishop Wilfrid because his chronology was contrary to accepted calculations of around 5500 BC. Bede is widely credited with helping to spread the use of the anno domini (A.D.) dating method. See Ussher's Chronology (

Rashi, a French rabbi, draws a parallel between the rest experienced presently on Shabbat and that which will be experienced in the seventh millennium: “The world is decreed to last for six thousand years, as the days of the week, the seventh day of the week is Shabbat; so too in the seventh millennium, there will there be tranquility in the world.” Ramban wrote that the sixth millennium would see the coming of the Messiah, and the seventh would be the Shabbat of the World to Come, wherein the righteous would be resurrected and rejoice. 

MATTHEW 24:32-35

Jesus was once asked by his disciples when the end of the age would be. He replied: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near: so likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away, till all these things are fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:32-35).

When Jesus told his disciples, “This generation shall not pass away until all these things are fulfilled,” he was saying that all the end-times signs would be fulfilled within the lifetime of the people who were born when the signs began. The beginning sign was when Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948.

According to Moses in Psalm 90:10, a generation or lifespan is 70 to 80 years (by reason of strength) in duration. The modern nation of Israel turned 70 years old in 2018. Israel will be 77 (7 x 11) years old in 2025. 11 is the number for disorder and disintegration, which aptly describes the chaos of the end times. 77 is the number of names/generations that Luke reckoned in his genealogy from God to Jesus. Israel will be 80 (8 x 10) years old in 2028. 8 is the number for new beginnings, and 10 is the number for ordinal perfection. 80 is the age of Moses when he led the people out of Egypt.

Whatever the timing of Daniel’s 70th Seven and the Second Coming of Jesus, we know the end is drawing near. You can compare God’s word to the daily headlines and realize the “birth pains” of Matthew 24:8 are getting more frequent and severe. As believers in Jesus Christ, we await the rapture of the Church, not the pre-tribulation wars or the 7-year Tribulation. However, as we see these signs getting close, it means the Rapture is even closer.

Comfort one another with the apostle Paul’s words. “And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come” (1 Thessalonians 1:10).

Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Randy Nettles

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Angel Dean
Aug 08, 2024

Every single time I read one of Randy’s articles I am amazed at God! It leaves me wanting to know more of God. I can’t wait to keep learning and knowing God in the eternal state. Thank you Randy for sharing your wisdom! You’re definitely one I’d like to meet one day!

Aug 08, 2024
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Thanks Angel, I appreciate that. If not in this lifetime, definitely in the next.

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