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The Final Four

Writer's picture: Pete GarciaPete Garcia

One of the great tragedies of living in this last generation is watching the vast majority in Christendom, being either unable or unwilling to watch for the soon coming of Christ. At some point over the last century, the professing Church has allowed two camps of extremes to rise up within Christendom to hijack the conversation regarding the Lord's return.

On one side, you have the fringe groups like the Millerites, the Jehovah's Witnesses, Jim Jones and the People’s Temple, Branch Davidians, Harold Camping, and so on, creating such controversy surrounding the topic, that orthodox Christians wanted nothing more than to put some daylight between themselves the word the Rapture, the Last days, or the Second Coming.

As much damage as they did to their own congregations, the damage was even far more extensive within greater Christendom itself as the naysayers, academics, skeptics, and scoffers began to lump the Blessed Hope in with fringe-cult radicalism.

This growing faction demanded we abandon the subject altogether and has now become the majority painting the subject as either a non-essential distraction or too controversial to ever want to address from the pulpit. The topic was 'beneath them.'

Many soft-spoken and well-meaning pastors claim the Church has far more pressing matters to attend to like church growth, seven mountain mandates, kingdom building, and other ministries designed to keep parishioners busy being busy, but not growing in the faith (which takes the whole counsel of God). Even more troubling, are the increasing number of churches that insist we must become more inclusive to stay relevant in an increasingly pagan culture.

The main problem with this is, the less you think of Christ’s soon appearing, the less you see it as a pressing issue. The less pressing an issue, the more fixated you become on this world which is, according to bible prophecy, on a conveyor belt heading straight into a meat grinder.

The bottom line is that there is no reason on God’s green earth, that believing Christians, can’t have reasonable and honest conversations about what is going to be, arguably, the greatest single event since Christ’s first advent. The fact that Christians aren’t talking about it with growing fervency, is mind-boggling. It is like the normalcy bias on steroids keeping the church in a sleep-like state. Folks, its time to wake up, look up, and get ready for the Lord's soon return.

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Scott Alan Reed
Scott Alan Reed
Feb 02, 2023

Wow! Pete and Tyler, you guys really nailed this one. I know you said you are thinking out loud and not prophets. But I just read Randy Nettles post titled The Season of the Lords Return and after much math and number crunching, he is in total agreement with you and Tyler. Potential tribulation period 2026-2033 (7 yrs.), Rapture before that in the next 3 yrs. (2023-2026), second advent of Christ at the conclusion of the Tribulation Period, Millennial Kingdom 2034 (perhaps). This is raw and simplistic. God does not adhere to anyone's calander.

I noted that the United Nations 2030 Global Reset would happen approximately 4 years into the Trib. (maybe at the 3.5 year mark where the Beast's…


Craig Mark O'Brien
Craig Mark O'Brien
Jan 26, 2023

April is the first month of the new year. Your timeline ends on 31 March 2026. Excluding the final seven years. That means it is possible for Tribulation to begin in April 2026. Just a thought. Anything can happen. No date setting.


Craig Mark O'Brien
Craig Mark O'Brien
Jan 25, 2023

It is not 4 years between 2023 and 2026. It is 3 years and 4 months.


Jan 25, 2023

Thank you, Pete for your article and the great research that you put into each article. I truly appreciate both the written word as well as the extra time you make for the audio version.

This article made me go back and read in my Bible more about Elijah.

One thing that came to my mind is that we know God told Elijah when and where his departure would happen. Also God gave Noah a window of time to load the animals and his family into the ark so he also had a “heads up.”

We know there will be angels in Revelation that will warn earth dwellers to not worship the beast and his image ( Rev. 14:9) as…


Lonniejam Meade
Lonniejam Meade
Jan 25, 2023

I am going to eat some crow here and point out that I made a line in the Sand concerning the Psalm 90:10 description of the length of a generation as it relates to the lifespan of a human. This was a general and accurate observation of a lifespan, however too many of us were disingenuous in taking the Lord‘s words when he said “The generation that sees these things begin will not all pass away until they are all fulfilled.”Clearly this means there could be a few, some, but it does not imply “many” or any specific number really. Pointing this out in hope that Pete and his excellent company of discerning, watchful believers will tackle the (decreasing) likelihood…

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